Heinkel He177 A5 for Fs9 uploaded

Morning all,

Everytime I run this plane, I ger a fw1900a.gau error.

Any ideas?


Hi Robin,

As haven't seen this error (yet) I wonder do you see it immediate after loading or after a while or after a particular action? As I haven't seen the error, my first thought was that it might be a corrupt file.

It might be worth adding it to the 'Old Modules' permission in the FS9 .cfg.
Seems to work with most cranky gauges and modules, although I've yet to see this one.
Morning all,

Everytime I run this plane, I ger a fw1900a.gau error.

Any ideas?


hey Robin --

When did you download the model? Did this occur the first time you selected the He177 for flight? I haven't seen this error either and I helped with the initial beta testing. Huub's assessment may be the ticket as there might have been some file corruption during the download process. I would try deleting everything and then download and install a fresh copy. Hope this helps.

I'll download it again & see what happens.

Bit frustrating, & I'm sure it'll come right.

A re-install sorted it all out.
There must have been some sort of corruption somehow.

He 177 gauge Problem

Hi Robin,
for the moment I work on a major update of the He 177 2d panel.
From my side I presume that as other friends do that there is a file corruption.
To help you as fast as possible I try to send you the gauge
just put it into the FS2004 gauges directory or in the gauges folder of the He 177
just unzip it and than move it where it should be
Yours Papi