... It's vital to work the FDE that there is a relatively flyable bird, btw. Like a complete model, pretty decent panel, like that. Gotta fly it to test itTextures, sound, the little details, not really important, you know? just so long as there are usable gauges, and I'm not sitting on nothing, I'm good. It kinda messes with my pea-brain to fly around sitting on air, you know? Pat
The bird is flyable now, at least for test purposes. The present flight model is adapted (without great success) from the AlphaSims Sikorsky S-55/H-19/HRS with only a near-minimum of changes: contact points, second engine installed, UI sections, lights, not much else. The performance is like the S-55, which was about half as fast as the S-56.
The worst problems are a strong right turn tendency and an extreme nose-down attitude in forward flight at even fairly low speeds. David followed the earlier suggestion to angle the rotor shaft four degrees back, but that's a tiny fraction of the excessive pitch angle. Alpha provides a rotor trim gauge for the S-55 that allows trimming out a left turning tendency but it doesn't work in the direction we need.
Two 3D models are finished and the other needs some final work. The 2D panels are almost finished except for a couple items that should be added to the panel background that are giving me fits. The VC is built but not yet painted. The H-37 VC panel needs tweakage and the HR2S VC panel isn't started yet. The sounds, a mash-up of the AlphaSims S-55 rotor sounds and Nigel's twin R-2800 sounds from Milton's Ventura are finished and sound great. Almost twenty skins are painted.
So that's where we are now. With work to be done on the HR2S 3D model, the 2D panel needing final tweaks, VCs to be finished and painted, we have plenty to do before we have to dive into the flight model. You will almost certainly be all healed up by the time we have to stop procrastinating on it, especially since both David and I have been hit with true life issues that are seriously impacting out hobby time. I think it's a corolary of Murphy's Law of FS Modeling that any time you post a public request for help, something will happen that keeps you from paying as much time and attention as they deserve to the answers you get.
... it can be made realistic, but still easier to fly than the real. As far as I know, however, programming an AFCS, or even a control assist type system is a real adventure, and I am pretty much a tyro at HTML. Best I can offer is to make the FDE as though the controls are assisted by making it fly like there is. Does that make sense? Pat
Yes, it makes sense! We don't need, or even want, an actual, functional Automatic Stability Equipment (HR2S) or Lear Autostabilization System (H-37B). We're just happy to have an excuse if our helicopter isn't as hard to fly as some might think it should be.
Promise not to laugh! I was on the bottom step of a low, two step, step-stool... Pat
No laughter! My sincere sympathy for your injuries and the prolonged recovery period. I've known of other folks who got seriously mangled in home accidents. I chuckled at your mention of how long it takes you to type in your present condition because I'm typing this one click at a time with the mouse on the on-screen keyboard, necessary because a certain cat, after performing an elegant full body keyboard flop, is laying against the keyboard with his head on my mouse hand. But you're stuck with your situation for now, while I could escape mine if I were to risk moving the cat. That would involve a certain amount of ripped, torn flesh and flowing blood, but at least I have the option.