Help! FS2004 Won't start


Charter Member
I installed windows 7 updates and now my FS2004 won't start. FSX works but every time I try to start FS2004 it looks like it's trying to start and just quits. Last time this happened I had to remove one or so kd ( or something like that) update files.Can anyone help!!! Thanks guys.
1.If you have Win7, go into the "Action Center" and select "Windows Updates". Then select "Installed Updates". You can see which updates were installed, but as of late the Win7 updates come in a "Cumulative Roll-up" so it may be hard to isolate a single culprit there.

2.Windows Update always creates a "Restore Point" before installing new updates. Go back to that restore point, and revert the drive to the time just before you installed your Updates.

The above procedures are really not recommended, but you may get your sim back. I had that issue several years ago and ended up having to un-install FS9 and re-install it to it's own location on the HD... AWAY FROM THE X86 Folder. There may be other ways to remedy your problem, but in my case....I just got tired of jinking with it.

Good luck --
I would deleted (rename) the FS9.cfg file and let FS9 generate a new one.

FS9 never had any issues with any of the Windows 7 installs for me.
Updates should have nothing to do with FS9 not working...
make sure that the FS9.exe is the FS9.exe (no CD), or the 9.1 version, if the sim has been updated,

Maybe copy the whole sim folder from 'Program files' if it is there, & past the sim folder into C:\
Then remane the folder to 'FlightSimv1' for example, & the FS9.exe to FS9v1.exe, for example.

Now you have 2 separate sim installs that will NOT affect each other.
Run the new FS9v1.exe.
This will create its very own FS9v1.cfg & everything should work perfectly.
You can have fun with multiple FS9 installs, for example, have a 'Golden Wings' install.

I have 3x, my third is a Ford Tri-Motor install.
As DangerousDave26 posted: I would delete (rename) the FS9.cfg file and let FS9 generate a new one. Try THAT first.

I don't know if all Win7 users saw this little critter pop-up as an important update or not: KB2952664, but that update was part of the "Get Windows 10" campaign launched by Microsoft a while back. I saw it pop-up again this morning when I installed new updates for my Win7 PC, and as I have done since it first showed up... unchecked it, and hid it.

As stated before, getting the FS9 folder into it's own location on the HD is a good idea, for example: C:\FS Games\Flight Simulator 9. Having it in the Program Files X86 folder created issues on my systems. As zswobbie1 stated above, creating a new install, and re-naming it, then using a location outside of the Program Files folder is the best bet. Supposedly, Windows Update should have no effect on FS..... but....:pop4:

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And, just to be sure, right click the exe and run in XP compatibility mode and run SD Administrator.. That cured one of my sims not starting.
I have three variations of FS2004 in my system but they all live on their own dedicated drive.
Never had any problems so if all else fails you might take this approach if your installation continues to go tits up.
Thanks for the replies Guys. My brother who built this pc thinks it might be my anti-virus. He is going to look at it today if he gets the time.. Will let you know the results..