Geezer Gamer
Flight Sims are a passion, but family history tie in's to WW1 are also an interest.
My wifes Grandfather was born in Scotland, South Barrwood in Kilsyth and served with the 7th Battalion of the Argylls and fought in WW1. I have his medals including one for "Bravery in the Field" .
My family is primarily German from Westphalia and I had a Great Grandfather who was injured while serving in the Calvary
Looks like I had relatives on both sides of the war.
We ran into two pictures that applied to the era, one of the Zeppelin LZ 127 which likely was taken in the states after the war was over
The second I am at a loss to identify, looks like bomber by its size and with twin motors if you look close. Any help on more details?
Trying to figure whos side it was on and what it is.
My wifes Grandfather was born in Scotland, South Barrwood in Kilsyth and served with the 7th Battalion of the Argylls and fought in WW1. I have his medals including one for "Bravery in the Field" .
My family is primarily German from Westphalia and I had a Great Grandfather who was injured while serving in the Calvary
Looks like I had relatives on both sides of the war.
We ran into two pictures that applied to the era, one of the Zeppelin LZ 127 which likely was taken in the states after the war was over
The second I am at a loss to identify, looks like bomber by its size and with twin motors if you look close. Any help on more details?
Trying to figure whos side it was on and what it is.