Help me decipher the lights on aircraft

It's a good idea but I have no idea how to come up with a program like that. :icon_lol:

All my programming skills were forgotten a long time ago and were not really meant for flight sims anyway (hand coded CNC stuff and micro chip assembly language stuff).

I spent some time today looking at online database software to set up a light config database that could be accessed online but my mind got so boggled I gave up and I used to maintain a pretty hefty database at one time that ran on an early Mac. :isadizzy:
Sorry Larry

I was just thinking out loud. I do that quite a bit. It sounds good, but C++ is a definite must to run with it.

Brain storms......ya gotta lov'em :kilroy:

I was thinking about a program that would auto-update itself based on your input of data. Have it apply the light settings to aircraft & helicopter configs. [LIGHTS] settings automatically applied to specified aircraft based on the contained database to eliminate manual configuration.


Bit like this one?

pity it seems to have fallen by the wayside.

Yep, that's what I was thinking. On the same lines anyway. It's a shame to see it slipped off the radar