It's a good idea but I have no idea how to come up with a program like that. 
All my programming skills were forgotten a long time ago and were not really meant for flight sims anyway (hand coded CNC stuff and micro chip assembly language stuff).
I spent some time today looking at online database software to set up a light config database that could be accessed online but my mind got so boggled I gave up and I used to maintain a pretty hefty database at one time that ran on an early Mac. :isadizzy:

All my programming skills were forgotten a long time ago and were not really meant for flight sims anyway (hand coded CNC stuff and micro chip assembly language stuff).
I spent some time today looking at online database software to set up a light config database that could be accessed online but my mind got so boggled I gave up and I used to maintain a pretty hefty database at one time that ran on an early Mac. :isadizzy: