Help please with a problem



I am hoping some of you knowledgeable people may be able to help me solve a problem.

Until I replaced my old CRT monitor with a new flat LCD screen FS9 ran with minimal blurries, but now I only get sharp ground textures right underneath the aeroplane. The view from the cockpit is blurred and takes ages,or never gets sharp.

The system is middle spec and I run XP Home. I have a 512 mb Nvidia 8500GT card. As I said,it worked fine until I got a better monitor. I am running it at 1152x864x32 and a refresh rate of 75 hertz, but have tried it at a variety of settings, this one seems to work best for me.

The nvidia drivers are the latest available.

I have edited the FS9 CFG and have tinkered with it, but with no success. The settings in the CFG are:


The bold entries are the ones I have been concentrating on. I have been told to increase by 50, the texture_bandwidth_multi figure until I get stuttering, then reduce it by 50. It was running on my old CRT monitor at 550, but as you can see, it is up to 1100 and I still haven't experienced any stuttering, but have stopped increasing it. Is there a maximum number for this setting?

I know the subject of the blurries has been posted ad nauseum and there are almost everyone has a different answer, but why has a new monitor caused this problem?
Hmm... are you really sure this parameter is supposed to be set at 0 ?

That was one of the suggestions I read after Googling the problem, I have had several tries at altering this entry. None of them have changed anything. I have tried from 0 to 10 increasing by .5 increments so far.
What is the default res of the monitor?

As far as I can see, it hasn't a default resolution, or at least I can find no reference to default settings in the book of words. Max. reolution for the monitor is 1680x1050, but when I tried that in FS9, I had a slide show, it looked good though, so long as I didn't want to move.

The monitor has a 5ms response time (that is what is said on the box, but the manual claims it to be 4.5ms :isadizzy:

The resolution and refresh rate is selected from a drop down menu and is the one that works best, perhaps I should say, is the best compromise. I have tried all of them.
I am hoping some of you knowledgeable people may be able to help me solve a problem.

Until I replaced my old CRT monitor with a new flat LCD screen FS9 ran with minimal blurries, but now I only get sharp ground textures right underneath the aeroplane. The view from the cockpit is blurred and takes ages,or never gets sharp.

The system is middle spec and I run XP Home. I have a 512 mb Nvidia 8500GT card. As I said,it worked fine until I got a better monitor. I am running it at 1152x864x32 and a refresh rate of 75 hertz, but have tried it at a variety of settings, this one seems to work best for me.

The nvidia drivers are the latest available.

I have edited the FS9 CFG and have tinkered with it, but with no success. The settings in the CFG are:


The bold entries are the ones I have been concentrating on. I have been told to increase by 50, the texture_bandwidth_multi figure until I get stuttering, then reduce it by 50. It was running on my old CRT monitor at 550, but as you can see, it is up to 1100 and I still haven't experienced any stuttering, but have stopped increasing it. Is there a maximum number for this setting?

I know the subject of the blurries has been posted ad nauseum and there are almost everyone has a different answer, but why has a new monitor caused this problem?

I looked at my config and pasted it below
Your entries are really different then mine


I use Nvidia with a little faster card and XP

My ground textures are quite good on my 22 inch Samsung

These are my settings

I just got a 24" flat panel not having that issue myself.

I just finished rebuilding my FS9.cfg file as I installed more controls.

Every LCD monitor I've seen has a native resolution that it'll run best at. I'd be checking my monitor specs.
I'll just toss in here that the newest drivers are not always the best. I had problems once I put in the 'latest' drivers with a new vid card, meaning once I installed my VC it recommended updating right away. I could never get things to look as good as before (was hoping for better) until I re-installed the drivers that came with the VC.
My problems sounded like yours, fuzzies at 2-3 miles and beyond. Don't give up until you find that sweet spot, it's there, then make a system restore point which ought to at least give you a re-set point if all goes south again.
Lastly, the law of upgrades states, "anywhere you make an improvement a new weak spot will be revealed elsewhere". Maybe your VC is not up to the task of the bigger/better monitor. Anyway, try the easy fixes posted already first. Hope things work out.
I am hoping some of you knowledgeable people may be able to help me solve a problem.

Until I replaced my old CRT monitor with a new flat LCD screen FS9 ran with minimal blurries, but now I only get sharp ground textures right underneath the aeroplane. The view from the cockpit is blurred and takes ages,or never gets sharp.

The system is middle spec and I run XP Home. I have a 512 mb Nvidia 8500GT card. As I said,it worked fine until I got a better monitor. I am running it at 1152x864x32 and a refresh rate of 75 hertz, but have tried it at a variety of settings, this one seems to work best for me.

The nvidia drivers are the latest available.

I have edited the FS9 CFG and have tinkered with it, but with no success. The settings in the CFG are:


The bold entries are the ones I have been concentrating on. I have been told to increase by 50, the texture_bandwidth_multi figure until I get stuttering, then reduce it by 50. It was running on my old CRT monitor at 550, but as you can see, it is up to 1100 and I still haven't experienced any stuttering, but have stopped increasing it. Is there a maximum number for this setting?

I know the subject of the blurries has been posted ad nauseum and there are almost everyone has a different answer, but why has a new monitor caused this problem?

The line I highlighted with red, that seems rather high doesn't it?
In my fs9 cfg its set to 400.
In your cfg its set to 1100.

Try setting it somewhere between 100 and 400.
I'll just toss in here that the newest drivers are not always the best. I had problems once I put in the 'latest' drivers with a new vid card, meaning once I installed my VC it recommended updating right away. I could never get things to look as good as before (was hoping for better) until I re-installed the drivers that came with the VC.
My problems sounded like yours, fuzzies at 2-3 miles and beyond. Don't give up until you find that sweet spot, it's there, then make a system restore point which ought to at least give you a re-set point if all goes south again.
Lastly, the law of upgrades states, "anywhere you make an improvement a new weak spot will be revealed elsewhere". Maybe your VC is not up to the task of the bigger/better monitor. Anyway, try the easy fixes posted already first. Hope things work out.

I agree whoe heartly. Perhaps I should have been more precise when I said I had the latest drivers. I downoaded the last one released and it was useless, so I downloaded the slightly earlier one and that worked perfectly, so I really have the latest driver that works.
The line I highlighted with red, that seems rather high doesn't it?
In my fs9 cfg its set to 400.
In your cfg its set to 1100.

Try setting it somewhere between 100 and 400.

I mentioned in my original post that I had been experimenting with bandwidth multi figure. The default setting was, I think 40 which is far too low for modern video cards. The general consensus of opinion is to raise the value by increments of 50 until stuttering is encountered, then reduce it by 50. I have been doing that, but have yet to encounter stuttering.

In all honesty, I cannot see any real difference with performance or quality when I alter the bandwidth multi entry,whether it is 40 or 1100
Every LCD monitor I've seen has a native resolution that it'll run best at. I'd be checking my monitor specs.

I have been reading the manual which came with the monitor and it has 15 available 'default' modes to chose from. I have one of them selected.
Hi Sandar,

The best solution to any problems you might encounter with the fs9.cfg file is to make a copy and delete, or rename the current file to fs9.bak or some such, then relaunch fs9 - compare all your views and graphics to what you have now, then start editing or comparing what you have with the previous file.

I know this will take some time, and may cause other issues if you have add on stuff in there - but still, it's the best solution rather than spending hours hunting for the proverbial needle in the config file! Hope you have some success!


Mike :salute:
Hi Mike, I was doing exactly what you suggested while you were posting your suggestion. I deleted the FS9 CFG file from the FS9 root folder as it was different to the one in the Application data/ microsoft, fs9 folder. I didn't think to check that the root CFG file was the same as the CFG I had edited.
Firstly, very many thanks to all of you who have taken the time to try and help me solve this irritating problem.

I have been trying all sorts of things today and have managed to improve things by a huge margin. It is not perfect by any means, but it is at least acceptable.

I have come to a few conclusions. The first being that the new monitor is so superior to my old one that I can now see so much more detail and that includes many faults in quality of some add ons. No criticism of developers is implied here. My photo real scenery is quite old and I am too mean to buy a more updated set, but the imperfections (low resolution) show up.

For some reason, my global video card settings had resorted to the default settings when I plugged in my new monitor and had precedence over the local (FS9) settings, altering these made a massive improvement. Messing about with the monitor settings has also made a small difference. I think it is just a question of tinkering with the CFG now.

Once again, many thanks or all of your help.
I've today after reading this thread, have had a little play around with my own fs9.cfg after seeing the versions here and have just had one of the best flights I think I have far.

I'm running FS2004 with the UK VFR Scenery and Terrain on a 3.3gig PC with 2gig RAM and a 8800GT Video Card with a Samsung 24" Monitor at 1920 by 1200 at 60Hz. Before the setting applied below, it was ok with the odd blurry when flying along, but now everything was crystal clear and nothing seemed to pop into view.

I'm not one for tweaking my sim all the time and thought that what I had before was good enough, but after this, it looks a lot better. The VFR scenery might be of a lower resolution than what is possible with FSX, but with the added Terrain mesh and the wonderful freeware addon trees and buildings for various areas of the UK, it is perfect for my kind of flying.

So much infact.....that I placed an advert on the Flying Club notice board a few weeks ago and sold my FSX and Horizon scenery.

My config is as follows:


I hope this helps.

Best wishes,

T6Flyer,after perusing the settings for your cfg, Ichecked them against mine and lo and behold, my FS9cfg was missing the entry TERRAIN_MAX_LOAD=10, so I copied it into my cfg and that made the difference.
No idea what it is for, but what it appears to do is to load the photoreal quicky and sharply. I even flew a Harrier at 12000' at a ground spedd of 450 knots and still had in focus photoreal scenery. Even when I thought I had it set up quite well, the maximum speed I could fly at was around 150 kts at 3000', now I can fly at over 220 kts at 2000' :wavey:

I think I have cracked it. Many thanks to all of you. If anyone is interested in my 'final FS9 CFG settings, the relevant bits are:
[DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT.0]

Uncheck antialias in the sim settings and enable it in the graphic card settings
You will gain some more performances.

Oops, i hadn't noticed that. For some unknown reason, when I plugged my new monitor in,the video card settings reverted back to the default settings and I missed that one. Error corrected, thanks Claudius for pointing it out.

The new settings are as good as I have ever had them. :applause: