Hooky, this may be a little late in the process, but what program are you using to place the photoscenery bgl? I don't do scenery for FS9, mainly because I got spoiled with SBuilderX for FSX and the FS9 version isn't near as refined as that one is. Anyway, someone here might be able to explained this better in FS9 terms. . .in SbuilderX I was able to do masks that would blur the edges of the photoscenery so that you couldn't tell where the default started and the photoimage stopped. Also, the Autogen Annotator in the SDK is great for adding autogen trees back into the photoimage and they would be seasonal. Finally, putting the photoimage into a graphics program and doing some color correction and darkening it a bit will help make it mesh with the surrounding area, if you aren't able to do the masks.
Keep up the good work. . .it's always great to have more scenery designers to replace otherwise boring default airports.:salute: