Herdla Luftwaffe airfield, Norway

ian elliot

Were heading to Norway next :biggrin-new:

An important airfield for the Luftwaffe 10 miles north of Bergen. Home to Me110, Me109 and FW190 units
Although there a few good maps of the airfield, MS have'nt put much work into accuratly modeling the coastline of this area, so i had to take a few liberties in making the airfield fit the landscape, its not perfect but i like to think its pretty close

There is a seaplane start for seaplane fan's
The Arado scenery object is originally Alphasim freeware model, SteveB has done some good repaints for this model, you can download them and replace the texture's in the Herdla/texture folder

The only objects you'll need is---
Wolfi_Obj_lib.zip, JD's conversion of Wolfi's CFS2 objects.

You've probably figured this out, but you need one or two of my other Luft airfields installed for the objects to show
Thank you Ian, especially for the water runway. A rare thing to find, (outside USA), in FS9.
To add a bit to this nice scenery I have done this repaint. It is the Focke Wulf FW 190 A-8 WNr.350185 "Blue 9" of 7./III./JG 5 flown by Staffelkapitän Oblt.Karl-Heinz Koch from Herdla, Hordaland. The aircraft is best known from a grainy black & white pictures, made after the aircraft crash landed at Herdla somewhere in spring 1945.I will make the repaint available soon.




A question for Ian: Is it possible for you to convent Akemi's FW190-A8 to a .blg object and pace a few at Herdla? I see you have found the repaint of Rudi Artner's white 10 done by Chris Nölte, which was stationed at Herdla as well.

im not great with MDLconX, but i'll have a try Huub, wondering if permission would be a problem but will check :wavey:
Thanks for considering Ian. I don't think Akemi (Hago-Chu) and Chris Nölte had any other restrictions than commercial use. When you don't succeed, I could do an attempt to create some traffic with ttools. However I wonder whether its possible to get Akemi's FW190 flying as AI as it seems to have the usual CFS2 into FS2004 problems, like (very) nose heavy and far too much drag....

Thanks again for your attempts :encouragement:

For those who want it: The Karl-Heinz Koch repaint is available in the library.

The real thing at Herdla :

ai cfs2 Fw 190

Hallo Huub, and friends,

yes I allso observed this phenomen with CFS2 ac to have bizarre flight dynamics.
For example it did cost me a lot of cigarettes and trial flights to get the GC-Bf110 series to fly correctly.
Also the fs9 version was horrible nose heavy.
Now I have them to fly at 75% percent power at 5000m with a trim which is very close to neutral.
I still work on the Bf110G-4, but you can test my airfile I joined at the Bf110G-2 panel.
So If you want I can try to make the FW190 flying neutral at 50-75% power setting
I gave up on the static, to many animations to correct :biggrin-new: But the Akemi's FW190-A8 works surprisingly well, ive made up a traffic file for six, with a slightly modified ADE file, just place in your Herdla/scenery folder, backing up obviously, and see how this works,

This is the CFG entrie for the 190 with Chris repaint

title=mz-fw190-8 JG5
ui_manufacturer = Focke-Wulf
ui_type = Fw190A-8
ui_variation = JG5
description=Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8\n\nÅ‘呬“xF653 km\/h@6,283 m\nÅ‘åo—́F1700hp\nŽÀ—pã¸ŒÀ“xF11,410 m\n•‘•F13mm*2@20mm*4


  • Herdla Traffic.zip
    2.8 KB · Views: 2
Hi Ian,

Thanks the place looks much more lively. The AI appears as expected and I even noticed one who taxied to the runway. Instead of taking of it went in ultimate camouflage mode and suddenly seemed to have disappeared :biggrin-new:.
I was foolish enough to wait next to the AI to see whether it would fly a pattern....... :banghead:

oh. thats interesting, i followed mine into the air for a flight around Bergen, not sure why your's dissapeard, i wonder'd if i was over reaching myself, i'll do a bit of tweaking later :encouragement:
It's possible it's either the collision setting for the ai ac, or if you were watching from another ac Huub, and were too close, that can trigger a 'crash', the other ac will then move away fast from the collision bubble on it's flight path.


Hallo Gents,
just tried the new files,
hmm I believe to have the wrong plane or some thing is going wrong:
I just have the Arados and two Fw 190 under each a shelter, but no others
and no traffic, none in the air and none on the runway or taxying.
just a curious waco crossed over the place.
I tried different times - --- -
It's possible it's either the collision setting for the ai ac, or if you were watching from another ac Huub, and were too close, that can trigger a 'crash', the other ac will then move away fast from the collision bubble on it's flight path.



Thanks Ian, but as said I'm already very happy with the filled shelters as it makes the place look far more lively and Akemi's aircraft have hardly any effect on frame rates. (BTW I do use your other airfields as well, in case you wondered! But these already had quite some parked aircraft....)

@Shessi: Before I decided to wait behind the aircraft at the runway, I had already been circling over the airfield for quite a while. So I don't think it was caused by crash detection. But it doesn't harm to check it again with "crash detection" switched off.

@Papi: Obviously you do have the correct plane, otherwise there wouldn't be anything in the shelters. So you might face a similar problem as I have, but only in a more severe way......

Hallo Gents,
just tried the new files,
hmm I believe to have the wrong plane or some thing is going wrong:
I just have the Arados and two Fw 190 under each a shelter, but no others
and no traffic, none in the air and none on the runway or taxying.
just a curious waco crossed over the place.
I tried different times - --- -

Hi, the Ai is set at 30% , have a look in settings/traffic and make sure your "air_traffic density is 40% or over.
cheers ian
Herdla Luftwaffe airfield, Norway AI ac

Hallo Friends,

I jst started ma flightsim,
the traffic option was set to 100% > one Fw190 outside lift hand facing on the outside shelter,
and one on a shelter
now I observed that at every time I start my sim, two aircraft can bee seen but always on different places.
and no flying or taxying Fw 190's. just some times a waco or an staggerwing
So the phenomene is fluctant it seems
Yours Papi