Herdla Luftwaffe airfield, Norway

Herdla Luftwaffe airfield, AI ac

Hallo friends again,
at first I believe that the phenomene of not showing all ac nore ai Fw190 traffic is undepended of the aircraft and its crashboxes.
Why I pretend that?
I did an experiance what can sound beeing crazy:
I put out of my sim Akemis FW190
I extracted from the Wop Fw 190 A-8 the Koch variant and delated her in this ac folder
Than I cconverted her as Akemis Fw190A-8 JG5
the ac is choosable as flying ac and works well
and now she is seen on two places each one under a shelter - none at outside, no Fw190 on traffic
Herdla Luftwaffe airfield, another experiance

Good evenening friends,
there another experiance:
I have alos on my hd a FS2004 GW3 setting as helicopter fs.
There are some setting differencies.
So I tented my chance there.
As you see on the screenie - the same phenomene as on the normal sim
Here's another slightly tweak'd ADE file, everything works fine for me, i get 6 ac on parking with one taking off and flying, hope it works for you :wavey:


  • ENHR_ADE9_ADE.zip
    2.4 KB · Views: 1
This is what I had with the previous traffic file:

There are 5 AI aircraft at the airfield:
2 aircraft at the open dispersals (1 and4) from which one aircraft (4)will taxi toward the end of the runway to disappear after a while
and 3 aircraft inside the shelters (2,3 and 5).

My traffic density is set on 40%



As I was wondering whether the flight dynamics did prevent the AI FW190 to take off, I replaced the flight dynamics by those which were made for the same model by Team Deadalus. Although it improves flight behaviour of the model when selected. However it doesn't make the AI aircraft take off.

This evening I will try Ian's new traffic file.

I have given the second traffic file a try. Again 5 aircraft appear. One aircraft taxis to the runway, and waits 5 minutes before "Scotty beams him up"........

To match my personal favourite Herdla Eagle, I have done a quick & dirty repaint for Akemi's model to match the colours of 12./JG5.



When anybody is interested I will upload the repaint.

Ill take a copy Huub, im very fond of Akemi's model, Ive got the Classic Hangar 190 for FSX (which i use the sounds in FS9 ) but i cant really justify another payware model for FS9, so Akemi's model works very well for me :encouragement:
Hi Ian,

There are still some small changes/additions I would like to make to the textures, but I will upload them most probably somewhere during the weekend. It will be a CFS2 release as the model is most likely used mainly by CFS2 pilots.

In the past Team Daedalus did a nice upgrade for Akemi's original model. As for instance the pilot was removed and replaced by a dp file triggered alternative, this version can not be used in FS2004 (unless you want to fly it as a drone, without a pilot). However the beautiful textures made by Captain Kurt and the upgraded flight dynamics can be used without any problem. I also use the 2D panel and I have increase the resolution from the virtual cockpit from 512x512 to 1024x1024, which makes the gauges in the basic VC much better readable.

As I liked the external model and am not really the purist, some people think I am, I have flown Akemi's FW190s for a long time. Especially with ChrisN's repaints they are still quite nice. But as all A2A FS9 models are currently available at their site for just $9.99 (for you 7.7 British Pound), it might be worth to consider to purchase the A2A version.

You will need to invest the double amount of money when you also want the Dora/Ta152 version as this was released as a separate package.
