HMS Bounty For FS9 Released

Milton Shupe

Staff Contributor
Staff member
The HMS Bounty for FS9 - VERSION 1.0
Built Specifically for FS9 - (Separate package required for FSX)

by Milton Shupe, Nigel Richards, Rob Barendregt, Sasha Rieger, and Rob Ibey. Helmsman by Craig "Full" Richardson

HMS Bounty 18th Century Tall Ship square rigger completely wind driven, individually animated and controlled sails, animated flags with direction and wind speeds, animated helm, and Sail Management Window to control all ship fuctions. Ship responds to wind speeds and direction with yaw, keeling, and pitch depending on sails deployed and yard arm positions. Ambient sounds, variable wind and gale storm sounds, ship's bell, "Salute", anchor weigh/drop all add to immersion.

NOTE: WILL NOT WORK IN FSX as it contains FS9 specific sim interfaces. (There is a separate FSX Only version)

NOTE: The latest version of FSUIPC is Required for the HMS Bounty to work. See the manual for link.

Note: Realism settings should be set to "Hard" for best Wind Effects.
A truly magnificent project by some of the most talented people in Flight Simulator.
Many thanks to Milton and his hardy crew, it's a fantastic work of art gentlemen.
What an interesting Item for FS! I'm very intrigued, so I definitely downloaded a Copy!

Thank you Milton (and the rest of the Team), for your continued work for the Community,
and for having the thoughtfulness to keep modeling for FS 9!

A couple of General questions...

-- Do you use specific Locations then Slew to where you want to start, or use Lat/Long Coordinates?

-- In the future, will there be 'repaints' with like, different Color schemes and a different Name on the back?

Inquiring (nautical, and O' Brien ) fans always want to know...

Great !
London visit



What a magnificent model! Kudos to all who worked on it!


-- ...Do you use specific Locations then Slew to where you want to start, or use Lat/Long Coordinates?...

One could create flights to start the ship in likely places.
This is a pretty tight ship... I don't hear any loose boards creaking (Hey Nigel.... ). Maybe because I haven't put out to sea... I'm just walking around on board her whilst she's sitting in port. Well, I'm afraid I have absolutely NO time logged in this type so I'll have to get the ship's instruction manual out. It doesn't fly... scary! :dread:

Beautifully done, A lot of superb attention to detail... All I need now is some wind...

-- Do you use specific Locations then Slew to where you want to start, or use Lat/Long Coordinates?

Remember that there are Waterdromes in FS so you can use those as starting points.
Alternatively, one can load in at a coastal airport and use slew or the Map View (and then drag the aircraft icon over to the water, remembering to set the appropriate altitude).

Bear in mind that each sim and/or add-on scenery has different coastal mapping and slightly offset lat/long so it may take some experimentation to get two ships close together in MP. Once set, just save the 'flight' as a start location - you have 75% of the world's surface from which to choose.

-- In the future, will there be 'repaints' with like, different Color schemes and a different Name on the back?
"Who knows what evil lurks in the minds of men..."
What an interesting Item for FS! I'm very intrigued, so I definitely downloaded a Copy!

Thank you Milton (and the rest of the Team), for your continued work for the Community,
and for having the thoughtfulness to keep modeling for FS 9!

A couple of General questions...

-- Do you use specific Locations then Slew to where you want to start, or use Lat/Long Coordinates?

-- In the future, will there be 'repaints' with like, different Color schemes and a different Name on the back?

Inquiring (nautical, and O' Brien ) fans always want to know...


In the documentation, both the manual and the docs folder :), there is a list of 25 water ports recommended to launch from. Great scenery and sailing from each area.

There are 6 paint schemes included; there is a paint kit that will be released very soon.
New Water Starts

Another easy thing to do - make your own seaports with AFCAD. All you need is a start location - no runways, ramps, taxiways, navaids or whatever, just a start location (water type, naturally!) When you fill out the form for a new airport you can set it up to appear however you want it to on your Select Airport menu. Country: Ship Start Places; State or Province: South Pacific; City: Pitcairn island, and so on. Just make sure you give it an ICAO code that doesn't duplicate an existing one That's easy enough to check using the Select Airport screen to search for that code. You could set up ship starting places all over the globe.

I have only seen a couple of ship videos on YouTube, but they seem to have real that something that could be done in FS9?

Another easy thing to do - make your own seaports with AFCAD. All you need is a start location - no runways, ramps, taxiways, navaids or whatever, just a start location (water type, naturally!) When you fill out the form for a new airport you can set it up to appear however you want it to on your Select Airport menu. Country: Ship Start Places; State or Province: South Pacific; City: Pitcairn island, and so on. Just make sure you give it an ICAO code that doesn't duplicate an existing one That's easy enough to check using the Select Airport screen to search for that code. You could set up ship starting places all over the globe.

Can you plan the route with lots of waypoints to avoid hitting land masses, islands, etc? Can I use it to navigate large rivers?

Where can I get AFCAD?

I have only seen a couple of ship videos on YouTube, but they seem to have real that something that could be done in FS9?


What do you mean by "real waves"?

We do have a wake effect, but FS9 and FSX do not have waves. You can get them in P3D however although they are just rolling mesh and the ship does not float on them but more like an average sea height under that mesh.
Another easy thing to do - make your own seaports with AFCAD. All you need is a start location - no runways, ramps, taxiways, navaids or whatever, just a start location (water type, naturally!) When you fill out the form for a new airport you can set it up to appear however you want it to on your Select Airport menu. Country: Ship Start Places; State or Province: South Pacific; City: Pitcairn island, and so on. Just make sure you give it an ICAO code that doesn't duplicate an existing one That's easy enough to check using the Select Airport screen to search for that code. You could set up ship starting places all over the globe.

Interesting...I could be mistaken, but the way I had it explained to me many moons ago, and what i've been doing ever since;

Set up a new 'airport' ID in AFCAD or more recently ADE (both freeware progs - AFCAD from Flightsim, simviation and AVsim - ADE available from FSDeveloper), as you correctly describe.

BUT, to make the ships actually travel from point A to B, one has to create a 'TAXIWAY' to enable the ships to physically make the trip.

Are you saying the taxiways are uneccessary?
If so, it would sure cut out a lot of laborious work! :)
I downloaded ADE and teh Manual. Reading through the manual I see no provision for water landing strips but may be in a dropdown box somewhere.

I was wondering if anyone with ADE could show a few screenshots how to set up a simple route from one water port to another, say W33 to W39 which are near each other.

Then maybe a short screen tute on setting up a water port.
I downloaded ADE and teh Manual. Reading through the manual I see no provision for water landing strips but may be in a dropdown box somewhere.

I was wondering if anyone with ADE could show a few screenshots how to set up a simple route from one water port to another, say W33 to W39 which are near each other.

Then maybe a short screen tute on setting up a water port.


Have sent you 2 AFCAD files and a traffic test.bgl.
You can open the AFCADS in ADE to directly view the setup.

As far as I can recall, there was no specific mention about water traffic in the version I've been using over the past couple of years. Perhaps the latest version(s) cover the subject.

Most of the information I have, was through various threads on the subject over at FSDeveloper. :encouragement:
Nigel, yes, that works but I wonder if this is how battleships and carriers are done. How does one add wakes?
Hi Milton, Nigel, Rob, Sasha, Rob and Craig,

Thank you so much for this/these wonderful vessel(s)! Absolutely amazing!
One of the first things I'll do is try to virtually visit my family in Bath and Camden, Maine.
