HMS Bounty Work Boat - The Launch


Hmmm, it worked for me.

Are you certain you saved your changes properly.

If you used Notepad to edit, you must use "SAVE", not "SAVE AS".

Double check your folder to ensure the XML version of the gauge has been changed.

Hmmm, it worked for me.

Are you certain you saved your changes properly.

If you used Notepad to edit, you must use "SAVE", not "SAVE AS".

Double check your folder to ensure the XML version of the gauge has been changed.

The snap of the compass box shows the new lettering color.
I'll recheck the code and try different colors...
Well it's alright for you ,I have had to throw my sandwiches out .They were off ugh!!!

Nigel We are out of sandwiches and rum!!!! oh and boatless.

Cheers Chris
Well it's alright for you ,I have had to throw my sandwiches out .They were off ugh!!!

Nigel We are out of sandwiches and rum!!!! oh and boatless.

Cheers Chris

Boatless??? Get back in the Bounty, or get some "waders" on. :)

I looked last night to see if I had the early version around to share but, alas, no where to be found in FS9 or FSX, and I scrapped a lot of early gmax in all my projects to free up about 20 gigabytes, so it is not recoverable.

But, I do have a screenshot :)


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Yes well I spose we will have to carry on waiting.They say it's a virtue but i'm not sure.

Not blaming you Milton, we are all in the same boat(Pun intended)

Cheers chris

...I'm busy!




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We therefore commit his body to the deep,
looking for the general Resurrection in the last day,
and the life of the world to come, :dejection:
Anyway, where were we?...

Ah yes, as we were saying; Now that we have the AVRO Project almost wrapped up (still need to convert the models to Aborigine FSX), we'll be moving on to complete the much overdue Bounty scenery package and Launch.

We're now working on an authentic location which is an enormous help as regards to what needs to be done.

Having said that, there's still massive scope to use our imagination and creativity.




We've temporarily placed photoreal textures over the area to accurately trace out where we'll be adjusting the coastline and waterclass for authenticity.


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Ah yes! Looking great there Nigel. If you need anything tested in FSX SE, just let me know.

BTW, I don't know where I've been, but I've just discovered this really excellant trimotor floater that I've been have a ton of fun with it's paint kit and some "redecorating".



I've kind of had this Louisiana thing going with it.....


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Ah yes! Looking great there Nigel. If you need anything tested in FSX SE, just let me know.

BTW, I don't know where I've been, but I've just discovered this really excellant trimotor floater that I've been have a ton of fun with it's paint kit and some "redecorating".



I've kind of had this Louisiana thing going with it.....

Ahhhh! Thank YOU, Willy; now that's an offer I won't be able to refuse.
As soon as the goods are ready, I'll take you up on your fine generosity.

As for that pretty little Tri-floater - still one of my all-time favourite flyers, Sir. :)
Texturing as we go - this is FUN!





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Added depth...


The original scenery was missing those elusive elements of depth and solidity - I think we're now on the right track. :)


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