Horst Petzschler's Bf109 G10 Yellow 5

That is superb!:applause:

This is just a small detail, but I often wonder why the Flight Replicas G-10 doesn't have the morane antenna under the port wing, as most if not all G-10s did.

Great work, thanks a lot for your work and effort. As you say, this model has very nice flying characteristics, as well as being the best models of mid to late Me-109s around. Certainly, after almost a decade it is still up there with the rest of the more recent outstanding models for FS2004.

Because of the paucity of good accurate colour photographs of that period and because of the chaos slowly but surely strangling the 3rd Reich in early '45, one can only do what you have done (so well), which is to take an educated guess based on what facts you know.

Thanks again.

The white panel


Just looked at your skin from the outside before t/o and the switch panel on the right side of the cockpit is unpainted. Rob pinpointed the problem in his Me-109 skins, as being within the fuselage 3.bmp texture.


Oops it must be, as Steve and I use the same basic paintkit. I will look at it later and issue a fix.

For those who already have the repaint; you can find a fix below.

When you have downloaded the repaint after February 20th 14:11 Dallas time, you don't have to download this fix as the download already contains the fixed texture.

