Hot racer


Has anyone made one of these? It's an NXT Sport I came across skimming an old Air&Space mag. Looks like you could fry an egg on it.
There was news on the Eaglesoft websight some time ago that they had aquierd the rights for that one but it has since then been removed.

i´ve also seen some work in progress screeenies of a nxt model for x-plane but i think it has been a no show so far.
I've been begging and pleading for one for years now. I even went as far as emailing the Sharps myself about their willingness to work with a developer. They were very open to the idea, but that was over a year ago. I don't know if there was a breakdown in the licensing or whatever, but I'm guessing there might never be one for FS9 now. I really hope I'm wrong about that.