How are BHAH sales going?

There are probably alot of folks like me out there who have been burned too many times by paying full price for a flight sim which ended up not being that great. I have OFF2, and I honestly didn't return to it very often, but I did see the potential there. OFF3 sounds very promising for me, but I guess I'm waiting for the right review or description to trigger my buying impulse.

I'm on here everyday looking for reviews! As for price, 50 bucks is fair but the MBA side of my brain is wondering if revenue for the OFF guys would increase if the US price was 50 delivered. Most new games in this market are 49.99 at point of sale.
This is a good discussion, everyone has reasonable points and the OFF team is clearly listening. Although I actually donated $50 each for both P1 and P2 (so the P3 price seemed pretty natural to me!), I admit that I thought the ideal price/ sales volume point for maximum profit might be at around $30-40, especially given that someone new would have to spend an additional $10-20 for CFS3. The currency issue was another problem that I didn't anticipate. But of course I have no marketing credentials and my opinion was simply a guess.
However, I think that possibly most of us original purchasers would not kick too much if the OFF team decided to subsequently reduce the price, both to get more users and enhance profit (we all want the OFF team to make money so that they continue on with P4). I would treat the cost difference as a small donation to a team to which I'm very grateful.
Maybe a way to explore this would be for Winder or Pol to start a poll on whether current purchasers would have a problem with this. Given that most of the early purchasers are probably hardcore OFF fans who know how hard this team worked for free in P1 and P2, there might be surprising support for treating the cost difference as a donation.
Hey, my first post!:woot:

I've ordered my copy, cost me £54. That's a reasonable night out for me and the missus. For a top-line game it's peanuts (using the formula of one Blockbuster's movie = £3.95 for two hours entertainment, a good game should be entertaining me for a couple of years at least).

Personally I could give a rat's what other people end up paying, the bottom line is that the devs get what they've already earned with two free releases.

I'm looking forward with bated breath to seeing if I've made a good investment (made on the strength alone of the SimHQ feature), but most everything I've read here so far tells me I'm in for a treat. DiD immersion appears to be alive and well again.:jump:

Right, time to sort out an avatar.:ernae:
Well, let me kick it off! Although I've paid £50 plus £13 for a new copy of CFS3 (DVD and my choice) I certainly wouldn't object if the price to potentially additional customers were to be reduced.

A bit like handing a £50 note to the barman and telling him to keep the change! ;)
I for one feel the $50 (US) for P3 BHaH is money well spent. From a professional perspective, the OFF DEV Team has spent countless hours on P3, not to mention previous versions of OFF and time here, on the forum answering questions from us end users. I have been a member of SOH for almost a year now, enjoying FS's modeled from CFS3 like MAW, Korean Skies, Solomon Islands and others. The guys who dedicate their time for our enjoyment deserve some pay-back. The bandwith and server up-keep and maintenence for this site is not cheap or free, so I try to send Ickie what I can, when I can. Not saying anything negative about anyone who does not donate...It is a personal matter. I get alot out of my afffiliation with this group, so I feel I should try to support it how I can.

The decision to adjust purchase price for P3 is an internal matter for the DEV Team.

For sure WF2 we appreciate it too, but as WM say's there are no fireworks right now... but we are waiting for several reviews to hit the webs and mags so lets see..

S! Hi Pov, I really applaud the work done to get this sim available. I tell all my friends they have to get this! I'm not a fan of CFS3 (engine) stuff but I'm getting used to it. I sent a note to Tom Polapink about this site and BHaH. You prolly know the name. He is with WWI Aero journal/magazine. I mentioned that it may be mutually beneficial to 'swap' advertisements in some capacity. 'Cross and Cockade', 'Skyways' and 'Over the Front' are more great journals you might consider contacting to build a custumer base. I will contribute up to $300 for a magazine add in any magazine of your (the board's) choice if you think that'd be beneficial. I'm not rich but like to put my money where my mouth or interests lie. S!
Promoting OFF?

Well I'm setting up a little personal web site and I'd like to have a fan page for OFF. But I'm no legal guru and I've seen nothing authorizing me to use images from the game or the web site to help you promote. You might consider telling us in layman terms what's ok and what isn't. I would especially like to see you register your product through amazon, as that's where most my links are to, though my amazon associate account.

food for thought there.

it's under construction, but here's the link...
I'm interested in seeing OFF/BHAH flourish; ordered mine online last night (CFS3 also) and was happy to pay what it costs. I really enjoy WWI flight sims, and for what I'm getting, I think it's a bargain.

I'm interested in the concept of hosting a server where people can meet and dogfight in cyberspace. I have a spare computer, but don't know how to set up such a site.

I have a non-profit website of my own that I pay a couple hundred bucks per year for, and I don't mind the cost. If it were possible, I'd host games on that site, but I doubt I have the space left: some say it's reached "encyclopedic proportions." :woot:

That said, I wouldn't mind hosting a separate website with that same ISP if I knew how to do it. Alas, my computer skills are mediocre at best. I know how they work; I can post articles and modify images; etc. But things like programming are beyond me.

Would it be possible for a guy like myself to post a website where people could meet and dogfight in cyberspace? And if so, would someone take the time to outline what would be involved?

If you want to see what I've done on the Internet so far, I'll post a link to my website. It's pretty much just plain old Microsoft Word documents that I made; the images are mostly done with Micrographics Picture Publisher; and so on. This was all done on my eight year old Dell.

But we just bought a brand new XPS and it's wide open.

Check out the site and you can see what my website building skill levels are. After that, do you think I'd be able to host a website for air combat? And if so, how would I go about doing it?


Pat Regan

AKA "Todt Von Oben"
I have enjoyed OFF since phase 1. Each phase gave me much pleasure, but this sim has come a long way since its inception and I certainly did not mind the current purchase price. I think Boxkite has a good idea in possibly soliciting contributions for advertising whether it be in the mentioned journals or on the web. I have contributed in the past for OFF and would certainly contribute to an advertising fund if you guys think it would help this sim grow its fan base. Like Boxkite, I don't mind putting my money where my interests are.
Thanks guys for the kind offers, once we finish with the main patches etc then we'll work more on this side of things. Several review copies have been sent out so we are expecting at least some to appear.