How good is your AI?



1st of all - P3 is really a big improvement to P2, very good job!!

But I just wonder about the strength of the AI-Planes... Here are my impressions after playing a few days in campaign and quick combat:

The defensive maneuvers of the enemy AI-Planes in combat are awesome. They fly really agressive using every possibility to get rid of me chasing their tails...

Every Two-Seater i shot on in campaign kept flying straight while being shot at - not trying to evade my bullets...

Even enemy single seaters take a long time to engage in combat, even if they are being shot at. Once they start entering the dog fight, I am impressed about their defensive skills. But until now I am not worried about being shot down. I have to fly quite straight for a lot of seconds before they slowly begin to chase and shoot me. That even happens in QC flying solo against 3 enemy ACE-Planes...

*edit* Also my own flight members need like "hours" to shoot an opponent, even if they are outnumbering him...

So is it just me wishing to have some more skilled AI-opponents?
Yep, I would give a similar assessment.

Defensive maneuvers are very good.

Offensively, a bit too much 'stunting' and not enough 'getting on my tail'. About one in ten do come right after you.

Two seaters may be programmed to fly straight (as a group) and use interlocking tail-gun fire for defense?? Don't know.
my flight and i engaged 3 bristol scouts on my last mission. as we approached they quickly flew down low and started flyin in a circle for around 5 mins. dunno whats with that
my flight and i engaged 3 bristol scouts on my last mission. as we approached they quickly flew down low and started flyin in a circle for around 5 mins. dunno whats with that

That is the circling behaviour that is being worked on for improvement in Patch 1.2. It is well known...see the first item listed in the 'issues being looked at' sticky thread.
try "Random" skill in QC. Try some decent craft like DVII v Camel AI.

I believe this is still the case ..the higher your sliders I've always found and many others have (if your PC can cope ) the better AI will be generally too. i.e lower sliders does not free up your CPU for better AI, it makes CFS3 think you have a low PC so less quality AI ;)
My AI rocks!!! The enemy's AI, well, they're not members of MENSA, they're pilots!

I find that I die much more from stalling and collisions (even the crazy winter weather!) than from being shot down. This is mostly because I have been flying crates that kick butt 1-on-1 (Nieuport 11, 17 and Tripe) and the enemy has not been attcking en masse mostly because of that circle bug that keeps cropping up. I think a lot will change if the patch fixes that. That being said, I find if I get an ace on my tail for even a second I will be shot up so bad that I am usually out of the fight. That's probably because they all have two guns to my one :)

So they are probably about where they are supposed to be. Wait for the patch and assess.

The AI planes I fly against are quite good.....or my intelligence is quite artificial, anyway.
1st of all - P3 is really a big improvement to P2, very good job!!

But I just wonder about the strength of the AI-Planes... Here are my impressions after playing a few days in campaign and quick combat:

The defensive maneuvers of the enemy AI-Planes in combat are awesome. They fly really agressive using every possibility to get rid of me chasing their tails...

Every Two-Seater i shot on in campaign kept flying straight while being shot at - not trying to evade my bullets...

Even enemy single seaters take a long time to engage in combat, even if they are being shot at. Once they start entering the dog fight, I am impressed about their defensive skills. But until now I am not worried about being shot down. I have to fly quite straight for a lot of seconds before they slowly begin to chase and shoot me. That even happens in QC flying solo against 3 enemy ACE-Planes...

*edit* Also my own flight members need like "hours" to shoot an opponent, even if they are outnumbering him...

So is it just me wishing to have some more skilled AI-opponents?

But what planes and what time during the war are you trying this at?

Try flying for the 94th Aero Squadron with a Spad XIII in September 1918 , 100 realism, and get back to me and tell me how it goes (I'm serious, I'm curious to hear your impressions after).

In the above circumstance I am actually hoping they let us TURN DOWN enemy AI ....and I generally know what I am doing out there...also my wingmen take a toll on enemy planes almost in every fight.

Could this be a QC vs Campaign AI issue perhaps? I am not seeing any of what you describe in the campaign , USA late 1918. I feel I am up agianst the A-Team 24/7 and one minor mistake in combat will lead to my death etc.
Hm, my AI gives me hell, real bloody hell! They engage, as soon as they spot me. Depending on the enemy AC, they do manuever very precisly to get a shot on me.
My last career, Marek Steinmann, was shot down out of nowhere, I didn´t see them coming. Mission replay told me, that I was jumped by 2 Pups.
The two seaters turn, oh yes, they do, as soon as they get a visual, they try to position themself. So the gunner gets the bes firing solution.

QC also, set the skill to veteran. This is hot enough for me, as I use my QC pilots as Fighterpilot Training School.

This is the best AI, I have seen in a aerial combat sim. It came a long way from the vanilla CFS3.

Great work, OBD!
[I believe this is still the case ..the higher your sliders I've always found and many others have (if your PC can cope ) the better AI will be generally too. i.e lower sliders does not free up your CPU for better AI, it makes CFS3 think you have a low PC so less quality AI ;)[/quote]

im stunned at this, so what about players like me who cant play with all the settings at 4 or 5. is this actually true or is it just a rumour?

i realise it aint u guys fault but why would anyone design a game were the AI was tied to the graphic settings???
But what planes and what time during the war are you trying this at?

Try flying for the 94th Aero Squadron with a Spad XIII in September 1918 , 100 realism, and get back to me and tell me how it goes (I'm serious, I'm curious to hear your impressions after).

In the above circumstance I am actually hoping they let us TURN DOWN enemy AI ....and I generally know what I am doing out there...also my wingmen take a toll on enemy planes almost in every fight.

Could this be a QC vs Campaign AI issue perhaps? I am not seeing any of what you describe in the campaign , USA late 1918. I feel I am up agianst the A-Team 24/7 and one minor mistake in combat will lead to my death etc.

To be honest - in campaign I only played the beginning 1915/16 - but I tought good pilots are borne irrespective of the planes they fly :whistle:

In QC I flew a Dr.I against 3 Ace-Camels and never ever got into any troubles...

But I will try QC and campaigns with late 1918´s planes this evening and will report.

I just can´t imagine, that my sliders will do any change - but I gonna try that also (flying already with everything on 4!!).

Weitermachen :wave:
Dear All,
Well, I think the AI have got MUCH better. The 2 seaters do evade and seem to go around in 2's or 4's and when attacked they will often (though not alway's) split up in opposite directions, then reform later.
It seems to me that perhaps this point about the AI taking a lot of time to attack was actually to cater for all age groups of people. My point is that many enthusiasts were, like me, born not long after WWII and so are older and a little slower than most. It is quite hard for me to spot an attacker coming in against the background and I don't often see any tracer being fired at me unlike IL-2. Consequently, when I am taking hits I often haven't a clue where it is coming from, So I just slam the stick over or back, with a bootful of rudder and hope for the best. Once in the dogfight I just have to not take my eyes off my adversary until I can get the upper hand. This all makes me realise why fighter pilots were in their 20's. If I do I lose sight of them I frantically search for some time. Possibly my TIR could be tweaked a bit as it can be quite jittery and that adds to the difficulties.
I also notice that the E\A do seem to turn towards you if you are diving from above forcing you to roll in the dive before reaching them.......not good if your aircraft rolls slowly.
All in all for me the AI is working well it's just that these young bloke's minds work more quickly!!
best regards,
Since I've tested OFF from the start of Phase 3 Beta testing, I always felt the AI was very good, much better than I have seen in many version/mods of RB3D, and better than most off the shelf WWI from the past.

Problem is this, we tend to think of 'what it should be', rather than what it really is. We could pick apart AI till Doom's Day, and never be satisfied with the results, simply because it's not human. The AI will NEVER react as you want it to, it will come close, but it lacks the human aspect to survive, so it's never perfect.

OFF's AI is very close though, closer than I've ever seen before, and therefore, very respectable in that sense. It puts up a vicious fight, tries to evade, and makes mistake for you to take advantage of. It flies the plane as it should, and when it's busy, it forgets to check it's six, same as we all do.

I've said this to Winder, that I feel like the AI is like RB3D MMP used to feel. There were good pilots, and pilots that sucked like me. So OFF offers that.

I wouldn't want to fly a sim where every pilot was better than me, that wouldn't be fun at all. OFF has a very fair balance, but when you face an Ace pilot, you know it.

The turning thing, I have not seen this in Phase 3. We need more info if that is the case. And also, I am speaking of Campaign AI only. To me, QC is just for fun/practice anyway. So if the AI are a little wonky, oh well. This game is more about campaings than just firing up for a quick dogfight. Plenty of XBox360 and P3 games offer that. Why use QC when you can enjoy the pressure and realizm of an awesome DYNAMIC campaign engine like OFF offers.

All the best,

To me, QC is just for fun/practice anyway. So if the AI are a little wonky, oh well. This game is more about campaings than just firing up for a quick dogfight. Plenty of XBox360 and P3 games offer that. Why use QC when you can enjoy the pressure and realizm of an awesome DYNAMIC campaign engine like OFF offers.

All the best,


Exactly James. "To you"
But most flight simmers want,many times ,to fill a spare quarter hour with a QC dogfight. Only when the wife goes out etc ( for example ) do chaps get a "good" session to indulge in a campaign sortie.

But more importantly, potential OFFers are introduced via QC. I wouldn't put a friend through a campaign mission - he'd be bored too soon and turn off something he may have become really interested in - and then maybe a sale is lost. Newbies fly dogfights, and then get into campaigns after they get into the sim. But they've got to get into the sim first.

That's why it's important to have a good dogfight, via QC, available.
Ive certainly had a random lot of experienced and aggresive AI mixed with total dopes.Many times ive looked back and found a radial weaving scant feet away from my tail.And you better be good if you happen to get on the tail of an ace!
Exactly James. "To you"
But most flight simmers want,many times ,to fill a spare quarter hour with a QC dogfight. Only when the wife goes out etc ( for example ) do chaps get a "good" session to indulge in a campaign sortie.

But more importantly, potential OFFers are introduced via QC. I wouldn't put a friend through a campaign mission - he'd be bored too soon and turn off something he may have become really interested in - and then maybe a sale is lost. Newbies fly dogfights, and then get into campaigns after they get into the sim. But they've got to get into the sim first.

That's why it's important to have a good dogfight, via QC, available.

I call myself a real simmer - flying sims now for 20 years... And you are exactly right - QC does not interest me at all, only used it to try my graphic settings or like said above to test the enemy skills.

I am looking for the campaign, but until know (1915/16), the challenge in dogfight hasnt been really big. The ground fire is definitely nasty, but my flying opponents & wingmen could be better... I do not expect, that every AI-pilot kills in seconds - but neither my wingmen really hang onto a target (having myself no ammo left 4 of my wingmen cirle 1 enemy for 15 minutes until he was shot down) nor my AI-enemy try to catch my tail like I think every pilot would try at last (and bad ones gonna miss me, but some turn so early, that they end up just in front of my gun, others just pass, none really raised my pulse...).

I will test the harder phase of 1918 and hope for a bigger chance of getting into a good fight...

Still I think OFF3 is a really good piece of work!! Maybe it´s my german virtue of looking for perfectionism everywhere :applause:
Originally posted by OVS
I wouldn't want to fly a sim where every pilot was better than me, that wouldn't be fun at all. OFF has a very fair balance, but when you face an Ace pilot, you know it.

The first part of this statement seems to be true for me and the second part well.....
My problem seems to be that every pilot of every flight I encounter seems to be an ace. As soon as they are in my vicinity, and no matter how I maneuver, up, down, turns, they get behind me and shoot me up.

I have tried running and coming back, dogfighting, almost never flying in a straight line except to line up a kill. Nothing works.
I have a lot of trouble even seeing the enemy (guess I should use the labels but just have tried not to). They certainly don't have trouble seeing me though.

I am flying with Jasta 18 in an Albatross DIII early, right now in April 1917, with sliders all on 3 except clouds on 2.
I also get out maneuvered everytime I try to shoot someone down but cannot out maneuver almost anyone that gets on my 6 before they fill my aircraft full of holes. My wingmen for the most part are also not much help but they have gotten more kills then me but don't seem to protect me at all. My marksmenship may not be the best and I know part of the AI problem of doing things that I can't is partly a CFS3 thing in itself but when I hear about how others are getting easy kills I wonder how.

I have flown 14 missions with 7 hours flying time. I have shot down 2 aircraft (unconfirmed), and have been in a dogfight on every mission. I don't warp very often because the enemy always ends up above way above me (which I did read about is the case from another thread).

I have tried not to complain because I still think the game is awesome and I appreciate the significant amount of research and work that the OFF team has put into this but it gets very frustrating to not be able to shoot down the enemy but getting shot up myself almost everytime. I usually end up landing before I am flamed or my engine quits but it is always shot up and sputtering, coughing when I set down.

I have flown Phase 1 and 2 and never had this trouble.
My computer is a bit old but runs P3 pretty well.
Dell 4550 Pentium 4 2.66Ghz 1 GB Ram nvidia 7600 GT

The OFF team is a superb group of people and again I thank them for all their hard work and support and empathize for all of the bitching that they have to endure.:kilroy:
Quick suggestion for those who are getting out-maneuvered. Might be a stupid idea, but here goes.

Make sure your stick sensitivity is maxed out for every axis. I've got mine pegged, and I rarely get out-maneuvered...unless I'm flying a two-seater against a scout.
Originally posted by tn_prvteye
Make sure your stick sensitivity is maxed out for every axis.

Everything is maxxed but thanks.:wavey:

I use a Saitek X52 by the way, any and all suggestions surely appreciated.
The first part of this statement seems to be true for me and the second part well.....
My problem seems to be that every pilot of every flight I encounter seems to be an ace. As soon as they are in my vicinity, and no matter how I maneuver, up, down, turns, they get behind me and shoot me up.

I have tried running and coming back, dogfighting, almost never flying in a straight line except to line up a kill. Nothing works.
I have a lot of trouble even seeing the enemy (guess I should use the labels but just have tried not to). They certainly don't have trouble seeing me though.

I am flying with Jasta 18 in an Albatross DIII early, right now in April 1917, with sliders all on 3 except clouds on 2.
I also get out maneuvered everytime I try to shoot someone down but cannot out maneuver almost anyone that gets on my 6 before they fill my aircraft full of holes. My wingmen for the most part are also not much help but they have gotten more kills then me but don't seem to protect me at all. My marksmenship may not be the best and I know part of the AI problem of doing things that I can't is partly a CFS3 thing in itself but when I hear about how others are getting easy kills I wonder how.

I have flown 14 missions with 7 hours flying time. I have shot down 2 aircraft (unconfirmed), and have been in a dogfight on every mission. I don't warp very often because the enemy always ends up above way above me (which I did read about is the case from another thread).

I have tried not to complain because I still think the game is awesome and I appreciate the significant amount of research and work that the OFF team has put into this but it gets very frustrating to not be able to shoot down the enemy but getting shot up myself almost everytime. I usually end up landing before I am flamed or my engine quits but it is always shot up and sputtering, coughing when I set down.

I have flown Phase 1 and 2 and never had this trouble.
My computer is a bit old but runs P3 pretty well.
Dell 4550 Pentium 4 2.66Ghz 1 GB Ram nvidia 7600 GT

The OFF team is a superb group of people and again I thank them for all their hard work and support and empathize for all of the bitching that they have to endure.:kilroy:

The only german plane, I would enter a turnfight with allied planes, is the DR.1. You have the P-38 as your avatar. Use the same tactic "Ira" Bong used against the "Zero". B+Z if possible, and only turn with the enemy, as long as you are able to gain lead on him. If not, get away. Read Boelkes dicta. It helps a lot on OFF.
