HU: Revised Lockheed L1649A availablle


thanks for the links. We've been through some obvious sources already, including our library. There's an excerpt about the T-34 engine from a C-133 manual on as well whih helped answering a few questions.

We have comprehensicve data about the other Constellation types, what we lack of is information about the powerplant and instrumentation of the L-1249A in particular. Maybe information about other C-133-equipped aircraft would be helpful, particularly the C-133 which was apparently the only type that went into series production.

Best regards,
Hi Rally,

'four or five' is actually absolutely correct. 4 aircraft were completed as turboprops (2 USAF, 2 USN) and the fifth was the prototype 'Old 1961', which recieved a turboprop in #4 engine position - retaining a R-3350TC in #1 and two R-2800 in the inboard positions. So it depends whether it counts as a turboprop or not.

Found same when i was on fact finding in Manfreds-team when we made YC-121(which was actually the first of the Connie series-therfore no VC).And I could get in contact of one of the 1500th and one which flew with it transcontinental.

Feeling wise a L-1449 would have been a much better plane then a L-188

Stupid thought is that actually the 3 Prop/1 turbine could be made as Manfred has all that parts in GMAX

But rather for that I would ask for an FSX output of the Connie series

Hi Roland,

until Manfred has wrangled all the variations of the Diesel 3 out of Gmax into FSX I don't think there is much of a chance of him going back to the triple-tailed lady. And even after that I am not too optimistic.

He did share the files with us when ever we asked, but as I turns out beyond moving a few polys around to show what I am trying to get I am hopeless at even modifying an existing AC.
Volker did a splendid job I think on the L-049 but realistically is unlikely to have as much time to dedicate to the modeling as in the past.
As always time will tell.....
