HU! Some more hidden gems from Pilote-Virtuel

Im surprised that nobody mentions that very nice Aero AT-3 has been added to downloads, it needs only rotax engine sounds (i used ones from EV-97) and its ready to fly
New Nieuport 17 on French-VFR by BeerCan


As I see that you appreciate my creations, I announce you the publication of my NIEUPORT 17 on (select the english version)

This model contains more than 900,000 polygons. I use a method which I finalized. She is different from that of Bill (Lionheart), more economic and simpler.

This model is a preversion. Textures are in the course of creation. It was necessary about 2000 working hours for this stage.

The Nieuport 17 is created for Fs2004 but is usable directly in FsX or P3D.
At present in version 0.0, soon in 0.1. Follow the development, if you are interested in this model.

View attachment 78309 View attachment 78310

Please, forgive my poor English, I am French at first!

Kind regards,
Bernard (BeerCan on French-VFR, bede40 on Pilote-virtuel)
Hello Bernard,
Thank you for letting us know of your latest model. You have made some very interesting aircraft
and I appreciate that you are building high quality designs for FS 2004.

Best regards,
Oh new Nieuport is amazing, but my old PC fall on his knees breathless and begging for mercy. I guess its time to upgrade to more powerful machine lol

Thank you very much for your compliments on aircraft available on our website beginning.
In fact, some aircrafts are not yet finished: they are in development !
- Menestrel HN433: it is only a beta but it will reveive soon a VC with 3D gauges
This plane was announced here:

- PBY: idem, porting existing asked me over a year of research and testing, but the development is expected to resume shortly and animations that are missing will be realized as soon as possible.
- Mosquito 3/4 was created with M. Bogaert collaboration and for the moment it is a release candidate. I want also build a very nice VC with 3D gauges but I have a lot of projects :running: so some time is necessary :cool:

I have also a Kurun II and a Menestrel HN-700 in my Gmax ....

A new release of the Nieuport 17 v0.1 is available this night !!!
Thank you very much for yours posts :wavey:

A new version is available on :

View attachment 78363

I wrote this small text to explain the choice of the decoration of this plane.

Instead of representing the plane of an "As", I chose to honor these much less known planes and nevertheless essential, those of hunting pilots' schools.

The decorations represent those of the planes of the School of Air Shooting (Ecole de Tir Aérien, ETA) of Biscarrosse ( France), period 1917-1918.
This Air Base is situated near I to, what allows me to fly in my usual environment in Flight Simulator.

This Air Base was created in 1915 and not there accidentally. The lake, because of its area (12km on 15km) and of its flat environment, assured the necessary safety of the local residents during the frequent real shootings caused by this period of war (WWI) during the training of the machine gunners of the infantry and those of the aircrafts. It was at first seaplanes then, then, planes, once the created airfield.
The hunting pilots will come at this moment.

Two liveries are proposed, a French and an American.
A big number on sides identifies the plane (to facilitate the work of the observers on the ground), on French is written in more the serial number of the plane, the American distinguishes itself by its number, preceded by US, and already written in the font which we know well but without the serial number.
On all are painted the French colors.

The US pilots were trained in the various flying schools French before ending their program on this air base.
These planes are relatively clean, except the inevitable tracks of oil burned or not. The ground is sandy and grassy, thus no mud. Of more these machines were often in the hands of the mechanics and did not undergo the treatment of their counterparts of the war zone.

At present the place is known under the name of Air Base of Cazaux. This Air Base is always intended for the school and for the training of the French and foreign pilots.

French version
View attachment 78364

US Army version
View attachment 78365 View attachment 78366

The Air Base situation

View attachment 78368 View attachment 78369 View attachment 78362

Best regards,

A new version is available on :

View attachment 78363

I wrote this small text to explain the choice of the decoration of this plane.

Instead of representing the plane of an "As", I chose to honor these much less known planes and nevertheless essential, those of hunting pilots' schools.

The decorations represent those of the planes of the School of Air Shooting (Ecole de Tir Aérien, ETA) of Biscarrosse ( France), period 1917-1918.
This Air Base is situated near I to, what allows me to fly in my usual environment in Flight Simulator.

This Air Base was created in 1915 and not there accidentally. The lake, because of its area (12km on 15km) and of its flat environment, assured the necessary safety of the local residents during the frequent real shootings caused by this period of war (WWI) during the training of the machine gunners of the infantry and those of the aircrafts. It was at first seaplanes then, then, planes, once the created airfield.
The hunting pilots will come at this moment.

Two liveries are proposed, a French and an American.
A big number on sides identifies the plane (to facilitate the work of the observers on the ground), on French is written in more the serial number of the plane, the American distinguishes itself by its number, preceded by US, and already written in the font which we know well but without the serial number.
On all are painted the French colors.

The US pilots were trained in the various flying schools French before ending their program on this air base.
These planes are relatively clean, except the inevitable tracks of oil burned or not. The ground is sandy and grassy, thus no mud. Of more these machines were often in the hands of the mechanics and did not undergo the treatment of their counterparts of the war zone.

At present the place is known under the name of Air Base of Cazaux. This Air Base is always intended for the school and for the training of the French and foreign pilots.

French version
View attachment 78364

US Army version
View attachment 78365 View attachment 78366

The Air Base situation

View attachment 78368 View attachment 78369 View attachment 78362

Best regards,

greetings Bernard. Is there a paintkit for the Nieuport? I would imagine several painters would like to paint this plane!
Incidentally I have painted a US registered Druine Turbulent N1084C which I hope to upload today to I hope you will like it!

regards, Peter Watkins:salute: