Hunting water fowl with 54 Squadron


Dear Diary:

I searched last night and no go. Went back and looked in other places (never knew my folder catalog system was so .... interesting). So what do I see a zip file called He_115_CFS3. I knew it was old since I no longer use zip files. So could it be, have I found the holy grail of 115 files. I carefully approach, not wanting to spook the prey. I stealthily moved the file to my desktop (yes I know a very risky thing to do but Windows defender is working to protect me). I double click, not to quickly mind you but just the right amount. What do I see, no it couldn't be two texture files and a gmax file called He115_56.gmax. Now my heart is racing, it can't be real am I imagining it having a flashback for all the trips I took as a wayward adolescent in the early 70's, was Timothy Learly calling me again.... Not sure as I need to open it with my other computer (idiot). So oh how terribly long it takes, those old optical drives why why it is maddening I tell you. Edgar Allen Poe has nothing on the suspense slowly slowy it gets nearer and nearer. Yes I hear it the beep a beep I tell you, the light, the icons spinning and whirling about on the old windows xp machine. Ok calm down take a deep breath it will all be over soon one way or another. Yes there it is the gmax icon and with a purposeful double click and ..... no I do not want to visit the discreet site, take me to gmax land please, the waiting is so unfair. Give me 2016 technology please!!!!!!

Ok, now the time has come, Judgement Hour! (Arnold are you with me). I find the file, wait there it is do my eyes betray me, the icon it looks like that elusive bird, all silver and sleek within 2 mm of being perfect I tell you it must be. I nervously double click ( oh how many times with gmax did I get the can find the file or it is corrupted message, please anything not this time LET IT WORK I SCREAM!!!). Side note my wife come running in a says as she would be talking to one of her elementary students, " Oh, just gmax again , when will you switch to max, really!" I scoff at her, not to be deterred from my quest. What, what.... yes there it is OMG what a sight, a perfect day. A silver He115 (needing a cockpit however - Steve where are you buddy...) Tears of joy running down my face and busy run to the other computer...I must share this glorious news, but with whom. Ah yes the crazies over at SOH, they'll surely understand, they know what it is like, What no doctor I am not ready not another shot really I'll be a good boy and eat my vegetables. Promise I won't scream....

Well I almost felt like that but seriously I found what. (Oh also have a Walrus too)
Sounds like a blast Andy! Didn't know you flew in real life. If I ever have the spare cash a float rating is near the top of my list.
Geeze Ted, had me on the edge of my seat the whole time! And to top it off, right before I got to the good part I had to break off as the smoke alarm went off signaling that breakfast is more than done. A Walrus too! Those two would make a nice pair!
I still have all the research I made for the He 115, for the ETO 1/50 update, when this is released, I can make historical missions for Her. Oh Yea!!:applause:
Dear Diary:

removed all drama filled/teasing bits, that my OCD said I must read before getting to last line.

Well I almost felt like that but seriously I found what. (Oh also have a Walrus too)

Now what? now you make 17 copies and put them somewhere safe. you resign yourself to the fact you wont see your wife and family for sometime, you put out an APB on Steve and John, promise them anything (delivery is optional) to make new VC's and paint the whole thing.

And you crack on!! crack on I say......

great news Ted.

regards Rob.