Hurricane Mk I rag wings - Rob?


another thing that gives me a pain in that place one sometimes gets a pain is that well, back when the dinosaurs
still roamed the Earth, there wuz a fellow, Josh Ziebarth "Zuyax" by name who did a gorgeous cut down Spit clipped wing,
a mk IX or XVI, I dunno which...

...which :banghead: never :banghead: materialized :banghead: (ow my head) !! He also did a ski version and who knows what else!!! (the shadow knows :a1310:)
Yeah, I remember he had a site which showed nearly all wartime variants of the Spit as CFS3 projects. They looked great.
Yea the door is a pain! Can't Clive nail it shut, he has the source?

The Hurris in the BoB install have the doors nailed shut, and I do have the source files...any of you modellers want a copy? :0)
Personally, I wouldn't know what to do with it if I did have it, but it's always worth getting hold of source files, so let's have it anyway! Some of those I've been entrusted with have actually ended up becoming decent models. The Blenheim Mk IV and the Curtiss Hawk come to mind... And I've still got Dancat's lovely Kittyhawk, but nobody to finish it off.

Hi Nigel,

sorry for the late reply, haven't been into SOH for while (cant get into the site from work). The Hurricane Skin is RobH work not mine, he allowed us to use the skins in ETO. I am sure he would not have a problem with you releasing more skins based off his base texture.

again sorry for the late reply, I did read the thread not long after you put it up, but I thought you where directing the question to the other Rob.

regards Rob.