I assume everybody likes Spitfires...

As Dan mentioned, I was able to download with internet explorer, but no go with chrome?

Nigel, Rene, really nice job, great stuff!:applause:
Still dead. The hit count goes up every time I try, but no file is ever downloaded.

All I have is Chrome...

Hey guys,

I don't have Google Chrome...is it just with that browser? I just installed it to check.:dizzy:

Foo Fighter and Major Magee, do you get an error page like this??
Should Spitfire_FMkIXc_63_JE-J have the country assignment as Canada, or is Britain actually correct?

You can make a case for either. I put Britain because he is RAF, not RCAF, although he is commanding an RCAF wing.

To be frank, I think that in Northern Europe at least, separating the RAF out into RAF, RCAF and RAAF squadrons and wings is a bit pointless, as no squadrons were entirely one thing or the other, and they were all fused under RAF command.
Anyway, I noticed that this new file and several others in the library say that they are updates to Zuyax's original creations (which I think might have been updates of stock aircraft). BUT, I can't find his original files in the library - only updates for the MkIXc, MkXIVc and MkVb. Are the original files by Zuyax available to download anywhere, please ?

The Zuyax series of Spitfires was actually one of the first successful addons to CFS3, and broke new ground when it came out. It includes this Mk.IXc, a Mk.Vb, a tropicalised Mk.Vb and Mk.Vc and a Seafire Mk.III as well as the payware Aeroplane Heaven Mk.I/II. They are not related in any respect to the rather horrible stock effort...

Some of these aircraft were released through AvHistory, so they will probably be in the appropriate place in the downloads section; others have been released - or not - with total mod addons such as MAW (except they weren't) and ETO, but are not available as individual downloads. I think that is especially the case of the Seafire. Or Seafires. One gets confused... :mixed-smiley-010:
Now I've ditched Photobucket, let's see if this works. Uploading was certainly faster and easier...



Wow, thanks guys!

I would add a thank you to Clive for his work on the vc though :very_drunk:

Oh, I should add thanks to Dan and Rob on the VC. Cheers Nigel and Rene, don't mean to steal your thread