I can't believe I just did this...


Retired SOH Admin
I was reading one thread, finished it, wanted to go back to the root FS2004 forum listing....and I hit the number 2 button on my joystick in an effort to change views. I literally took my hand off my mouse, reached up to my joystick and hit good old number 2. Yep, I am either a bit loopy from lack of sleep, a bit stupid, or simply addicted to my sim.

Yes, I have button two to change views (2D to VC to Tower to Spot). I use the hat for looking around while in the VC and in Spot view.

I try to mute the sound on my computer using "Q" more than I'd like to admit. My wife has suggested I admit myself to Flightsimmers Anonymous... The first step is admitting you have a problem!!! Fortunately, I dont consider it a Problem:jump:.
:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: :ernae:

Face it, we are all in some form of denial! :monkies: What's that? You know I can't hear you with my headphones on. Yes dear, I'm going to mow the lawn this afternoon once it's warmed up a bit.
(If it warms up!!!!) :kilroy:

when you find yourself calling the house on the way home, asking for approach vectors to the driveway, you know you need to get away from the sim a while:icon_lol:

when you get up for work, look out the window and see heavy rain and think
"i'm going to have to go ifr today", it's time to get away from the sim.

when you look at the otr trucks on the freeway and think "ugh, no heavies for me, i'll stick to g/a" it might be time to get away from the sim.
When you start naming your children after your favorite planes...well, actually you would be doing better than most of the Hollywood type parents. I'd take a Cessna or a Piper over a Moon Unit or Rumor anyday of the week. Now that I think about it, there are a lot of plane names that would be cool kid names. Lancaster, Halifax, and Baron ring of nobility. Piper and Cessna are spunky names. Northrop just sounds like a kid is destined to become fabulously wealthy. Yeah, naming kids after airplanes might actually be a good thing.

I named my kids after Shakespearean forests, but I have always told y'all I was about a half-bubble off plumb. Was a blond too, when I had hair! :bump:

when you get up for work, look out the window and see heavy rain and think
"i'm going to have to go ifr today", it's time to get away from the sim.

That happened to me actually once... well, it happens a lot... last time this morning...

Problem? What problem, doc? Oh yes, I do want to try the new white shirt with the funny sleeves tied behind. :isadizzy:
...and I hit the number 2 button on my joystick in an effort to change views...OBIO

See, that is the biggest single reason other flight simulators never made it into the market.
Imagine having to remap and relearn all those key assignments!
I am going to map Windows 7 that way:
Look at 2nd monitor: hat right. Previous window: <shift>S... :d
You think pressing a JS button is bad....wait 'til you get TIR!

I am constantly trying to move my head to get a different view of a screenshot of a VC and wondering why the scene isn't following my head! :isadizzy:
I am constantly trying to move my head to get a different view of a screenshot of a VC and wondering why the scene isn't following my head! :isadizzy:

I've caught myself doing that. :icon_lol:

Fortunately I keep my joystick up on a shelf unless I'm flying. Otherwise, I'd be doing like Obio.
You think pressing a JS button is bad....wait 'til you get TIR!

I am constantly trying to move my head to get a different view of a screenshot of a VC and wondering why the scene isn't following my head! :isadizzy:

:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:Yep! Been there done that and got caught at it! :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

You ever been driving along looking up at the sky and thinking, my FS sky looks better than that! :kilroy:

This happened the other night as I was coming out of the grocery store:

I was pushing my little red plastic shopping cart, heading toward my little blue plastic car, when a large gray C-130H from the 179th Air Lift Wing at KMFD flew over head. Maybe 750 feet above my head.....it was LOUD and my first thought......I need to make my AlphaSim C-130s sound like THAT!

So, at some point this weekend I will be firing up my wav editors and tweaking my C-130 sound package to make it LOUD. :applause:

When you start naming your children after your favorite planes...well, actually you would be doing better than most of the Hollywood type parents. I'd take a Cessna or a Piper over a Moon Unit or Rumor anyday of the week. Now that I think about it, there are a lot of plane names that would be cool kid names. Lancaster, Halifax, and Baron ring of nobility. Piper and Cessna are spunky names. Northrop just sounds like a kid is destined to become fabulously wealthy. Yeah, naming kids after airplanes might actually be a good thing.


i definitely agree with that!