yeah but......who would want to be called 'Warthog' Jones or Guppy Smith! :isadizzy:
do you catch yourself saying "over"
when you're talking on the phone?
if so, it's time to step back from Multi-Player.
You think pressing a JS button is bad....wait 'til you get TIR!
I am constantly trying to move my head to get a different view of a screenshot of a VC and wondering why the scene isn't following my head! :isadizzy:
This happened the other night as I was coming out of the grocery store:
I was pushing my little red plastic shopping cart, heading toward my little blue plastic car, when a large gray C-130H from the 179th Air Lift Wing at KMFD flew over head. Maybe 750 feet above my was LOUD and my first thought......I need to make my AlphaSim C-130s sound like THAT!
So, at some point this weekend I will be firing up my wav editors and tweaking my C-130 sound package to make it LOUD.