I feel its all my fault, posting the RoF video.



Hey Guy's, I really feel what happened here and in other forums is all my fault. I posted the RoF video here just because it was cool. Something new and never seen before, I thought it would be great to share it here with fellow OFF members. Some OFF member may not have heard of RoF. At times I look at it like, maybe this effect sparks a new idea for the OFF team to improve BHaH, not that its lacking, just to incorporate if possible, new candy is always great.

In seeing all the negativity in my thread and in 312's, I did ask the Mod's to close both of them. It seemed after awhile the replies were not adding any value to BHaH or RoF but creating a riff between all here and in other forums. Gee, is this not how real wars get strated.

I did not mean for this all to get so far out-of-hand.

Please accept my dearest and humble apologies to all this has effected.

And that, Siggi, is the response no one wanted to see!!!!!

A big thanks to Keri Ann for explaining and trying to smooth things over.

And that, Siggi, is the response no one wanted to see!!!!!

A big thanks to Keri Ann for explaining and trying to smooth things over.


But I've been deeply traumatised by the whole affair, and if she's willing to step up to the noose let her hang I say!!!
Hey Guy's, I really feel what happened here and in other forums is all my fault. I posted the RoF video here just because it was cool. Something new and never seen before, I thought it would be great to share it here with fellow OFF members. Some OFF member may not have heard of RoF. At times I look at it like, maybe this effect sparks a new idea for the OFF team to improve BHaH, not that its lacking, just to incorporate if possible, new candy is always great.

In seeing all the negativity in my thread and in 123's, I did ask the Mod's to close both of them. It seemed after awhile the replies were not adding any value to BHaH or RoF but creating a riff between all here and in other forums. Gee, is this not how real wars get strated.

I did not mean for this all to get so far out-of-hand.

Please accept my dearest and humble apologies to all this has effected.


If you think that thread got out-of-hand, you've led a sheltered internet life.:wave: At some point a thread is going to trip someone's trigger and with the right circumstances it'll boil over into an all out slugfest. One of the best ways to start a flame war is brand loyalty, people just get all nuts if someone even hints that brand xyz isn't perfect in every way. If I started a thread and listed everything I thought needed fixing in OFF and then added the new sim Into the Clouds was better in an hour they'd be sweeping up the eyeballs and mopping up the blood. At some point it just becomes laughable.
No need to apologize, I appreciate when someone bring things that might be of interest to my attention. It's just some peoples children...

Yes, no need for apologies, from my POV. Indeed, I hadn't heard about ROF and enjoyed checking it out.

I love OFF, but just because one likes apple pie, there's no reason not to like chocolate cake as well...
Don't worry about it WF2. It's not your fault. I have been keeping an eye on RoF myself, as I'm sure most WWI enthusiasts have. It's an awesome looking sim, although there are a couple of reservations that I have to iron out before I buy it.
There are some (at one time, myself included, before I saw the error of my ways) who just can't seem to tolerate a perceived slight against something they like or a perceived "intrusion" upon their "territory". It all seems pretty silly, really, given the average age of the members here.
There are known trolls that lurk, trying to incite. I won't mention any names, but most have a pretty good idea who they are. They could be banned, but that really does no good. A true troll will just get a new email and rejoin. That's how they get their jollies. The best thing to do is either be polite when dealing with them, or ignore them completely. I am choosing the latter.

Keri - ann
What was written is not your fault. Unfortunately there are too many defensive fans in both camps.
The overall feeling that we are all WW1 sims fans gets too easily lost in the excessive zeal of the individual sim's fans, who feel they have to defend it when the other is mentioned in good terms.

Ideally we ought to be mature enough to be able to allow mention of other sims in our own sim's forum, unless it is an outright attack on our sim.
But from what i've seen the first posts in the threads have not been such an attack, merely a "have a look at this " type message.
I have to say that it seems to me the first bit of acrimony appears to almost always come from the "home' sim's fans, as if they sense an attack, by the intruder.
And it is a shame- particularly as there seem to be quite a number of users and lurkers in each respective forum, who are/were not aware of the existence or relative merits of the other sim.

I think everybody needs to now consider that this episode is showing us to be capable of - i.e so called WW1 sim enthusiasts more interested in slagging each other off instead of supporting the genre.

So, come on, chaps, lets buy both these sims and then use them as we each want to for our fullest enjoyment.
You may feel that the words of my sig are quite apposite to this situation.

cheers to all
WF2 yes its all your fault:kiss:
Seriously i believe we all like to see whats out there
we are or at least should be Big people
showing someone a new Mercedes could bring out
lots of different reactions
that should not stop anyone at least showing
its the reactions that get moderated on
I don't think it's was your fault at all (in fact, I don't think anyone has done anything wrong at all)

I am sure no-one wants to 'shoot the Messenger' :ernae:
Hey Guy's, I really feel what happened here and in other forums is all my fault. I posted the RoF video here just because it was cool. Something new and never seen before, I thought it would be great to share it here with fellow OFF members. Some OFF member may not have heard of RoF. At times I look at it like, maybe this effect sparks a new idea for the OFF team to improve BHaH, not that its lacking, just to incorporate if possible, new candy is always great.

In seeing all the negativity in my thread and in 312's, I did ask the Mod's to close both of them. It seemed after awhile the replies were not adding any value to BHaH or RoF but creating a riff between all here and in other forums. Gee, is this not how real wars get strated.

I did not mean for this all to get so far out-of-hand.

Please accept my dearest and humble apologies to all this has effected.


RoF ought to compliment to OFF, and vice-versa. Both sims should bring folks together, rather than have them at each others throats. I have strong opinions about which side of the divide tends to cause problems, here and elsewhere, but I won't burden our readers with them.

As to you, young lady, thanks for being whole enough to share and be so open-minded in your approach to our hobby. These communities needn't be polarized like this, and no one should be put in a position of having to choose one game over the other.

As for me, I really have no interest in belonging to a club that would have someone like myself as a member!
For a very long time,ww1 fans have had a very limited choice (some might say'no choice at all) about which sim we could use. Now are going to have two. One,OFF3 we know about,an excellent sim. Soon there will be another, certainly not likely to be the same. Time will tell how they compare,but I for one rejoice that the WW1 fraternity will have a real choice. So ,well done WF2, I'm with you.
Jeeze... I go away for a week and you guys are all in trouble... closing threads.. fighting... now WF2 is feeling guilty... you guys are killing me!!

"As the OFF DVD spins" ;)


Keri-Ann, I don't see any reason to feel guilt, or feel like the cause of any issues. This is like me posting that the New York Jets are the best football team in the NFL (which even a drunk golf fan knows they're not) . We're entitled to our opinions, and all that BUT... there is no reason to flame war over two different games. Really I blame those that look for problems, and honestly, I am getting tired of it. If you want to pick fights, there are other forums to get that job done.

I'm looking forward to RoF, as much as everyone else. It's OK in my book to post about it, it IS a WWI sim. But we're not here to debate the differences of OFF vs RoF, that's not what this forum is all about.

Since you are now PAYING customers, it's within out rights as a company to service you and also maintain a certain level of professionalism on our forum. It's is owned by SOH, but at the same time, it's a representation of our company as well.

So win-win... we'll be looking and monitoring certain threads that will OBVIOUSLY turn into a flame war. And please... don't patronize me... you as well as me can tell when a thread is heading that way.

All the best,

Hey Guy's, I really feel what happened here and in other forums is all my fault. I posted the RoF video here just because it was cool. Something new and never seen before, I thought it would be great to share it here with fellow OFF members. Some OFF member may not have heard of RoF. At times I look at it like, maybe this effect sparks a new idea for the OFF team to improve BHaH, not that its lacking, just to incorporate if possible, new candy is always great.

In seeing all the negativity in my thread and in 312's, I did ask the Mod's to close both of them. It seemed after awhile the replies were not adding any value to BHaH or RoF but creating a riff between all here and in other forums. Gee, is this not how real wars get strated.

I did not mean for this all to get so far out-of-hand.

Please accept my dearest and humble apologies to all this has effected.


You've got nothing to apologize for. You can never legislate for the almost infinite number of ways people are prepared to indulge in petty, small-minded behaviour. It's over and done, so let's just move on.
WF2, please keep informing us about WWI sims, wherever they come from. I have OFF 3 and will buy RoF. That some people can’t keep their emotions in check is not your fault.
WF2 and others...

I can empathize! I once started a CFS 2 thread about flight model characteristics with my intent to compare them with real life ac in a general sense. It started out well, but soon it developed into a somewhat nasty scrap among some of the other members with fur and feathers flying...:eek:

I finally just stood back in amazement and watched this monster get out of control...:redfire:

In my past work-life, as part of my job, I worked as a project manager for several years. I can tell you that it can be difficult enough to maintain a level of professional and civil behaviour with much smaller groups in discussions. Hoping for that kind of behaviour or trying to enforce it in a forum of this kind is a task near impossible! There is such a fine line between constructive discussion and escalating heated sparring. Some people don't understand the delicate balancing point where one steps over from the 'personal opinion of topic' to the comments of personal slander or affront. This requires the kind of self discipline that is often too much to expect of large groups, so unless a "judge" is sitting and monitoring every word and ready to halt the proceedings, the result is inevitable.

So I can understand how you feel and why. Don't worry about it. A discussion about your favourite potatoes could set it off...in a forum!

"I used to be concerned, but now I'm just amused!"
Alfred E. Neuman, Mad Magazine, c1963
I haven't really followed the stressful debates, and don't want to read it after all now. But don't make yourself the Helena now, who's misconduct started the Trojan war, WomenFly2. I read somewere, that men (different to women) still use a part of the brain for communication, that the reptiles already used.
So it's no wonder, were we are right now - is there hope?

I haven't crossed threads or posts of PILOTSDEN or RIPCORD much (I'm not yet a multiplayer), but the names are so familiar; they must be here since quite some time. And so - just because I'm pretty neutral to you - I'd ask you to think about it, give things a rest, so the stirred up mud can settle - and stay here, were you belong, were you - I'm sure - have friends.
WF2- Please don't be concerned at all. For myself I saw you post days ago and thought, "Hey that's interesting,wonder what this RoF is about?" Beginning and end.

Then this fellow comes over to the OFF Forum "panting" about how he can't wait to fly RoF and aren't we just as
excited..just at the same time OFF is being launched and trying to stimulate sales.

Quite not the same thing at all, IMHO.


>> Oh my god...did I need to point out I was joking? <<

Yes..your humor is dry and your British..Oh, am I being redundant? :ernae:
