More likely Siggy is English......not at all oversensitive.
After 15 years of the internet I have the hide of a Dreadnought-class battleship.

More likely Siggy is English......not at all oversensitive.
LOL- that Woody Allen.... !RoF ought to compliment to OFF, and vice-versa. Both sims should bring folks together, rather than have them at each others throats. I have strong opinions about which side of the divide tends to cause problems, here and elsewhere, but I won't burden our readers with them.
As to you, young lady, thanks for being whole enough to share and be so open-minded in your approach to our hobby. These communities needn't be polarized like this, and no one should be put in a position of having to choose one game over the other.
As for me, I really have no interest in belonging to a club that would have someone like myself as a member!
Sorry, look elsewhere, I am not a leader of this community nor am I a moderator and I can and have misbehaved as much as anyone else -
Cheers Winder.
Groucho Marx I believe.