I feel like I need to apologise to Milton!


Charter Member
With all the effort and incredible work being poured into the B-26 Marauder and the A-20 Havoc by Milton and the very talented gang here, I feel sort of guilty because I keep getting drawn back to this marvelous, now, what? ... ten year old girl??

I just can't seem to stop playing with the STILL wonderful A-26!!!!

A 'new' OD over NG paint has been done, and I've been working away at a nice shiny bare aluminium one, with chipping and some light weathering for now!

Just added the wing walks a few hours ago. still finding little bits to add.

Spending a lot of time in the interior now, getting shading. shadows. colours, and wear to the way I want it.

Before anyone asks.. yes.. the scheme is fictitious, and there have been a few permutations of this basic scheme, but one that I would apply to an A-26 if I were lucky enough to own one..

Love this hobby!



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oh.. forgot... working on this one too. :)

Vietnam era A26K in the night intruder scheme.

STILL a ways to go with this one.


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I like the bare metal scheme,it looks superb, I love it and the vietnam one looks great too. Excellent work :applause:
This venerable old gal still gets considerable air time, she has lots of air miles on her. Just like the real "Special K".


thanks guys.. glad to see the A-26 still gets its air time!

I just spent well.. TOO much time "toning down" that polished look.. LOL... tried a few different methods.. a little rework of the texture brightness and contrast, coupled with a 40% reduction in the alpha channel output seems to have done the trick. Any less alpha and it begins to look grey as opposed to a duller aluminium.

So, now I have a very shiny bird.. and a not so shiny bird!



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Hi Dave, great looking textures there; happy to see some fresh paint being slung. :)

The original release of the A-26 was April 2007 although Bomber_12th and i did subsequent updates and releases.

Thanks for bringing some freshness of life to her. :)
Excellent work on all counts! The 26s are a mainstay in my FS.I never get tired of flying them.:encouragement:
Primping the old lady with bling

Nice work Bushi. The Invader is always a great hand flyer and another mile-stone in Milton's journey to perfection. The current Havoc and Marauder projects I consider to be the very peak of what can be achieved with a lot of research, an artist's eye and a lot of graft!

At this moment in time, when it comes to classic warbird props - Milton and team members are FS2004!

How is the weather in E Kilbride? I am a Haddington man myself - but after many travels, now firmly rooted in North Wales.

Och man, they're affa bonny. A braw bricht shiney lassie she sure is. Yon drab yin is gran' ana.

Thank you Bushi for the great looking paints, running to find out if they are uploaded. And greetings from the granite city.

Couldn't agree more about this beauty, a classic. Thank you Milton and team for all your glorious gifts.

Hi Dave, great looking textures there; happy to see some fresh paint being slung. :)

The original release of the A-26 was April 2007 although Bomber_12th and i did subsequent updates and releases.

Thanks for bringing some freshness of life to her. :)

anytime Milton! she is a beaut to fly, and nice on the eyes too! Can't help myself.

ficticious 'restored warbird' markings aside... I'll get a few things cleaned up and upload the super shiny, and the slightly dull textures soon, as it seems this airplane is still.. and has always been a favorite.

An almost TOO closeup shot of the subtle flush riveting on the cowl... from a bit further away... works for me.. :)



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Nice work Bushi. The Invader is always a great hand flyer and another mile-stone in Milton's journey to perfection. The current Havoc and Marauder projects I consider to be the very peak of what can be achieved with a lot of research, an artist's eye and a lot of graft!

At this moment in time, when it comes to classic warbird props - Milton and team members are FS2004!

How is the weather in E Kilbride? I am a Haddington man myself - but after many travels, now firmly rooted in North Wales.


the weather has been good up her in EK.. nice days to get out on the bike, out along the west coast ..Largs, Ardrossan, Greenock... ... but today... it was me not feeling all that great.. so took it easy... fiddled with the Invader. :)

And couldn't agree more... Milton and teams workmanship is top notch! No matter WHAT the subject matter!
Looking good, where can I download the textures and does anyone know where I can find gauges for the a-26 at all?:jump::wavey:
almost there

I was away for 800 mile road trip round the north of Scotland with the wife for a three day get-away. so.. no work on the textures.

Got home tonight, and picked up where I left off with the "Special K" weathering, that being the exhaust staining. I think it's as good as I'm going to get! :encouragement:

I've scratched and scuffed up both interiors, and will supply pristine as well as worn with the glass nosed WW2 airplanes, and the scuffed and used one with the Vietnam K model.

Also planning on supplying a separate folder with "clean' external textures for the K, no markings at all.. just the three tone camo over black as well as with the tail codes shown here. I've still got work to do to finish off the scheme, and of course weather and scuff yet another rendition.. when time allows. BUT, with several wanting the have the bird quickly, will upload what I've done so far.

AND, my new interior including VC cockpit can be pasted into any of the A-26 folders you have to scuff up existing WW2 or Korean paints.

Thanks for the encouragement!

a screenshot of the Special K with exhaust stains. ( and yes.... there are more on the engine nacelles under the wings) Not perfect, but I've spent enough time trying to blend the four texture files for each engine together smoothly. FS DOES have it's limitations!




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The B-26K textures have been uploaded


I just uploaded my still in progress B-26K Counter Invader SEA night intruder skin.

You will find it under the FS 2004 Vietnam menu.

Those that paint...... PLEASE.. feel free to use these textures, and John's original paint kit for shading, weathering etc, to create what you would like.

I'll still keep on it when time permits myself! :encouragement:

The bare metal A-26's are coming soon!



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