I have been playing with a Huey.


Very odd jobs man and MiGaholic
I have built up some layered masters for D Baunton's Huey, still working on the rivets and stuff on the tail boom area.
Charl, what's wrong with these, available at Hovercontrol?

Trying again to upload piccies Still claims my jpegs are invalid file types, i'll try again another day.

Looking great, Steve!

I can almost see Lt.Col. "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" Kilgore coming around the corner...
Charl, what's wrong with these, available at Hovercontrol?...
Nothing, and of course I have them all.
Deane, being ex-RNZAF, of course made it pristine.
I just would love to see a little real-world weathering is all ;) like SteveB is doing there

Nothing, and of course I have them all.
Deane, being ex-RNZAF, of course made it pristine.
I just would love to see a little real-world weathering is all ;) like SteveB is doing there



bin playin with Deane's origional grey textures.
Looks good - go ahead! :jump:

I wonder which font the RNZAF uses. This Arial doesn't seem to fit too well...
As far as I can see, it also isn't one of the usual RAF fonts.
Maybe someone over at nzff should know...?
Nice, this is my favorite type of helicopter. I have the Hovercontrol version now because there were more and better textures for it. Dean Bauton 's version had better handling and a better view from the cockpit. When these textures are out I will switch back to that version.

The Dutch Navy used AG204B's in the 60's. I like the 2-tone paintjob they used but as far as I know there is no FS9 Agusta model. Any chance you can make this fit to the UH-1H?

View attachment 799View attachment 800http://www.flugzeuginfo.net/images/...oyalnetherlandsnavy_225_mlm-soesterberg09.jpg
very much work in progress but it gives you an idea of what i'm aiming for. Alain_F355 I will have a go at a Dutch scheme once I have finnished on my SEA cammo.
