• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

    We just posted part one of the how to on uploading new files to the Library. Part 1 covers adding new files. Part 2 will cover making changes to your the uploads you own.

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    Library How to

I Said One Thing But


Members +
Well, I got myself into another mess, Ollie...I resurrected my Denton Tx Enterprise Airport over the weekend after looking at KDTO on Flightaware and saw that they have Legends Airways Saab 340s flying out and it was to KLRD Laredo Int'l a nice flight for a short afternoon. Looked online only to find that there was only one entry for FSX/P3D and it was from 2010. The creator added a Jeppsen Airport Diagram but comparing it to the current 2023 one there are quite a few updates needed. It also has all default buildings and runway and taxiway textures are concrete not asphalt so I changed all them as well as placing them properly after creating a photoreal texture bmp in SBuilderX. I always print out AirNav for any airport I am creating for accuracy and the runways were slightly longer now. Google Earth for more details showed runway 14/32 closed with the required "yellow x's" however, Airnav says open and in good condition. On the phone today with the airport manager who was really friendly and helpful told me that those satellite photos were old and all three runways are open and in good condition. Runway edge lights are High Intensity NOT Medium and I could go on. The "kicker" though was when I got on the street level in Google Earth and I saw this:


Is this COOL or what? What a challenge to do in Sketchup. I am going to give it a good try. I just can't help myself. Stay tuned

I was able today to get a lot of good screenshots in Google Maps by referencing the names of the different businesses that Google Earth put teardrops for on the aerial view of KLRD so that I can do custom hangers and buildings as well as the cool terminal. Once upon a time there was a Laredo AFB but it was permanently closed in 1973. There are remnants of runways and aprons from it visible from the air but runways/taxiways are new. They even have been changed since 2010 when the last version was done for FSX and it used all default buildings. I downloaded the latest from MSFS and even that does not have accurate buildings or terminal just an AFCAD that I can tell not having MSFS to actually install and open it. I was just curious. So I guess my 2023 KLRD will be first accurate version when it's completed whenever that is. I don't have the all day every day I had a month ago now that I am schooling my grand daughter every day. It's worth it though we have a great time and every Wednesday is Burger King "grandpa/grand daughter lunch" which I really enjoy. I will post here as I complete Sketchup hangers etc. There are some as unique as the terminal is. By and large it seems that KLRD is more cargo than passengers. See ya'all later. :wavey:
Changed My Mind

After examining KLRD on Google Earth and Goolge Map Street Level, I decided to just fly for a while. This is just too much work for now after Morgantown. I haven't had any feedback from anyone so I guess there isnt any disappointment that I decided not to do it. :wavey:
I believe the expression is

"Out of the frying pan and into the fire". After saying that I didn't want to tackle Laredo above, I just can't help myself. In the thread above "Isn't It Beautiful" I posted where I just downloaded the Virtavia P2V-7 Neptune for P3D V4.5 and among the repaints is VP18 and VP1 so I started to investigate where they were stationed and found a lot of good info and photos. VP18 was among other bases quite a bit of time at NAS Argentia, Newfoundland. I thought it would be cool to fly out of there on patrols during the Cold War era so I did a search for the base and found it. Well sort of. The scenery is one big apron with the three runways on it and that's pretty much it with a few taxiways. In the readme it says that there was very little information about it. Now that's a challenge!!!

To start I found:


Then I went to SBuilderX and created a photoreal background which shows me accurately the coastlines and roads which are still there as well as the three runways. Also found a report from the Base Closing with tons of information with its background history and I could go on and on, three folders full of photos, maps and just before going back to evening service the cherry on the sundae: There are seaplane ramps at the base. I found 11 photos of them 6 at Pensacola and 5 at Pearl Harbor but the best part of the 22 page military history report was the information and construction drawings for the ramps. Sketchup here I come. I will be using Ian P's military buildings except for a few Sketchups like the base hospital and the admin building. I am really excited to get going on it and will post results here in this thread.
Construction Is Underway

Last night for two hours I started placing buildings and hangers using IJP RAF scenery objects which are relevant for the period. There really ARE not a lot of photos of the buildings but the map is very detailed and accurate so I am using its written descriptions like CPO Quarters; Married Enlisted Housing etc and finding equivilents in Ian's bgl's I have added to ADEx Library Objects. It's coming along nicely I think. I also added parking on the seaplane parking apron and may construct the seaplane ramps in Sketchup today. I'll take some screenshots if I get done later.
I made KLRD for Prepar3d, most of the hangar buildings are from hangar libraries, but i made myself the main terminal 3d model, which is new building/section in KLRD area.
Yes, it is a big project and will take some time if you make all hangars etc from IRL style.

But i decide to make only main terminal 3d model, and placed other buildings to the airport area using scenery object libraries/hangars. At least it is better than default KLRD.



Where Is It For Download

I made KLRD for Prepar3d, most of the hangar buildings are from hangar libraries, but i made myself the main terminal 3d model, which is new building/section in KLRD area.
Yes, it is a big project and will take some time if you make all hangars etc from IRL style.

But i decide to make only main terminal 3d model, and placed other buildings to the airport area using scenery object libraries/hangars. At least it is better than default KLRD.




I think that it looks great and I don't need to improve on it. Where can I download it? Then I can continue with Argentia the new scenery project and fly from my KDTO to KLRD.
I think that it looks great and I don't need to improve on it. Where can I download it? Then I can continue with Argentia the new scenery project and fly from my KDTO to KLRD.

It is on my PC, not available anywhere but i can send you the scenery, it is now in P3D v5.4 use, dunno if it works in FSX. It uses normal freeware scenery libraries and trees are from default autogen trees.

I can send you the scenery via email and you can test if it works in FSX.
Hi Richard,

I wish you success and luck with that airport. Back in 1956 My Navy Dad had orders to NAS Capodichino Italy and the whole family went with him via (NATS) Navy R5D. We stopped over at
NAS Argentia (winter time) and later learned we blew a tire on landing. There were no spare tires around so they robbed a tire from another aircraft so we could continue our journey. At the time, Argentia had metal Marston mats and I still remember the sound the tires make on those mats. They put a tail boom on the aircraft after we stopped and disembarked. I was eleven yrs old back then.

I'll sure be interested in this scenery when it's finished. It will be interesting to see how the objects will line up in P3DV5.4 and any bleed thru of stock P3DV5 objects.

"Out of the frying pan and into the fire". After saying that I didn't want to tackle Laredo above, I just can't help myself. In the thread above "Isn't It Beautiful" I posted where I just downloaded the Virtavia P2V-7 Neptune for P3D V4.5 and among the repaints is VP18 and VP1 so I started to investigate where they were stationed and found a lot of good info and photos. VP18 was among other bases quite a bit of time at NAS Argentia, Newfoundland. I thought it would be cool to fly out of there on patrols during the Cold War era so I did a search for the base and found it. Well sort of. The scenery is one big apron with the three runways on it and that's pretty much it with a few taxiways. In the readme it says that there was very little information about it. Now that's a challenge!!!

To start I found:


Then I went to SBuilderX and created a photoreal background which shows me accurately the coastlines and roads which are still there as well as the three runways. Also found a report from the Base Closing with tons of information with its background history and I could go on and on, three folders full of photos, maps and just before going back to evening service the cherry on the sundae: There are seaplane ramps at the base. I found 11 photos of them 6 at Pensacola and 5 at Pearl Harbor but the best part of the 22 page military history report was the information and construction drawings for the ramps. Sketchup here I come. I will be using Ian P's military buildings except for a few Sketchups like the base hospital and the admin building. I am really excited to get going on it and will post results here in this thread.
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Always Encouraging

Thanks for the memories...no pun with Bob Hope...I always love to read them and I am encouraged to know that someone besides me is interested in my scenery. I spent the afternoon locating and making a folder of "Willy Victors". Virtavia just gave away for free their P3D V4.5-5+ version (EC-121 EW Super Connies) and will be putting that on an apron. I will probably have to "invent" an ICAO for it like I have to do in the past for airfields that are not in the Flight Sim's default airports. Watch the progress. I also got a hanger for the seaplane ramp from my old NAS Alameda that I am using there and will probably work on the cofferdams and seaplane ramps next so that portion of the air station is complete. I am going to have to determine where the p2v Neptunes were hangered as well as the EC-121's. Any input from any vets watching this thread will be most appreciated.:loyal:
I would love to see a FSX version. Please don't be discouraged, I think your scenery's for FSX is great. I hope to be able to carve out some time to try them.

I will try

I would love to see a FSX version. Please don't be discouraged, I think your scenery's for FSX is great. I hope to be able to carve out some time to try them.

When I finish this one for P3D V4 and V5 I will open it in FSX and save it for FSX users to have too. All the objects I am using are FSX so it should be no problem to do.
Thanks for the memories...no pun with Bob Hope...I always love to read them and I am encouraged to know that someone besides me is interested in my scenery. I spent the afternoon locating and making a folder of "Willy Victors". Virtavia just gave away for free their P3D V4.5-5+ version (EC-121 EW Super Connies) and will be putting that on an apron. I will probably have to "invent" an ICAO for it like I have to do in the past for airfields that are not in the Flight Sim's default airports. Watch the progress. I also got a hanger for the seaplane ramp from my old NAS Alameda that I am using there and will probably work on the cofferdams and seaplane ramps next so that portion of the air station is complete. I am going to have to determine where the p2v Neptunes were hangered as well as the EC-121's. Any input from any vets watching this thread will be most appreciated.:loyal:

Listing on Wkipedia shows ICAO as CWAR - now obviously defunct. This is abnormal but not implausible (CWxx series are now used for weather stations) as the Canadian block runs CWxx- CZxx (except CXxx?)

here's a possible site for a bit of info - not comprehensive but there is at least a 1945 photo https://www.hiddennewfoundland.ca/argentia-naval-station
Thank You

Listing on Wkipedia shows ICAO as CWAR - now obviously defunct. This is abnormal but not implausible (CWxx series are now used for weather stations) as the Canadian block runs CWxx- CZxx (except CXxx?)

here's a possible site for a bit of info - not comprehensive but there is at least a 1945 photo https://www.hiddennewfoundland.ca/argentia-naval-station
When I opened up the airport properties in ADEx I saw that it is designated as CWAR which is working in P3D when I compiled what I had done and took BOB out there a bit ago so I am going to use that ICAO since it seems to work. I found the link to the good photo and downloaded it so that I can study it with a magnifier to see what I can see of what buildings are.
Thanks for the copy of KLRD but the main terminal is not showing, only the terminal boarding ladders.


It looks like some excludes were added were the main terminal should be located.

It is on my PC, not available anywhere but i can send you the scenery, it is now in P3D v5.4 use, dunno if it works in FSX. It uses normal freeware scenery libraries and trees are from default autogen trees.

I can send you the scenery via email and you can test if it works in FSX.
Thanks for the copy of KLRD but the main terminal is not showing, only the terminal boarding ladders.

It looks like some excludes were added were the main terminal should be located.

I updated the KLRD package before i uploaded it to that server, it includes the flatten bgl file, which i made using SBX
Here is new download link for missing terminal files https://easyupload.io/rpkewt .

If someone else want to download this scenery and test it, here is download link: https://easyupload.io/s2jyk1

Private Message

Tony I sent you a PM before I saw that you had posted links toKLRD which I just downloaded also thank you. Will test it out in Prepar3DE V4.5 and let you know how it works for me.
Tony I sent you a PM before I saw that you had posted links toKLRD which I just downloaded also thank you. Will test it out in Prepar3DE V4.5 and let you know how it works for me.

Hi, i hope it will work in 4.5 too. Most of the models in package are converted to work P3d v4->