I Think I May Be Taking OFF Too Seriously



What do you think? I am saving a load on the heating bill, the other night it was down to -5F!!!
A wind machine and a castor oil sprinkler would complete the set.
And if you could make your neighbour smash watermelons on your wall, you'd even get the artillery/AA sounds.

I think, I understand you. But beware, your neighbours don't see you dressed up like this (lol).
Baywing- >> I Think I May Be Taking OFF Too Seriously..What do you think?<<

Too seriously? Think?..Think about what? What in the world are you talking about? Your as normal as any of us!:ernae:

My good man, you need some proper gloves, I say.

And a balaclava, and fur hip boots, and a thermos bottle full of liquid oxygen you can sip through a straw.

Do you find yourself pushing hard the brake or gas pedals of your car, depending on which way you turn?

Do you shut your engine off at the end of you block and coast up to your garage, all the while pulling back desperately on the steering wheel in an effort to stop in time?
Great thread, guys. It's nice to see a good sense of humor. :ernae:
Humour ? What's the joke :confused: Erm .... doesn't everyone dress like that.
I say, someone appears to be laughing at us. Whatever for?

Hey Bullethead, love your post.
I got the strangest looks from my nieghbors when I went out to my mailbox, and I couldn't imagine why. Till I passed the mirror in the hall, I think it had something to do with me wearing my Trackir hat. :kilroy:
I started dressing like that when I played Red Baron waaay back when, things got worse when I discovered medieval total war, going to the loo and making a cup of tea in full plate armour is no joke!
hahaha Excellent!

My fireteam did something similar in the barracks stateside while playing Flashpoint over a LAN. Cammie paint, boonie hats, and load bearing vests just to see the reactions of others as to our "training".... there may have been alcohol involved, of course not with me though, I was only 20 and sipping Tonic water responsibly :engel016:........ :ernae: We got some wierd looks from the company 1st Sergeant who was randomly wandering around the barracks that day, DOH!!!
gimpyguy said:
got the strangest looks from my nieghbors when I went out to my mailbox, and I couldn't imagine why. Till I passed the mirror in the hall, I think it had something to do with me wearing my Trackir hat.
And WHY exactly did you rush out to the mailbox?? :costumes:
Man you are really eager to pay the bills or there is something else going on? Waiting for something important...
Don't forgat the loaded revolver in case your kite bursts into flames,you may want to take the quick way out.