I was wondering....

Thanks D for the utility! I'll take a look


I counted seven objects in the file?

I'll study it some more.

Some questions:

Question 1: I must export the bridge I made. As what? (M3D!)
Question 2: Are there any other proggy's involved that I should install? (No, the plugin is in the Gamepack!)
Question 3: The mission builder gives a very crude map that's not exactly precise? Is there a way to place an object on the spot that you want?

1) Yes the model needs to be exported as an .m3d

2) You will need a paint proggy that will convert or work with .dds files and a text editor such as Notepad to work with the .xdp and .xml (facility) files.

3) This is how I do it...
i) get the co-ords from Google Earth.

ii) In the MB place your facility and aircraft at that point. (the co-ords show in the bottom left corner)

iii) Fly the mission and check that your facility is in the right place. The cfs3 world and the real world are out of sync so in the case of a bridge the chances of getting it right first time are slim!

iv) Fly around the area and select the correct location, hit the Z key to bring up the cfs3 info lines to check where you are. I usually fly into the ground at the point where I want to place the facility and pause the game a few feet above the ground. Note down the co-ords displayed on screen and use these in the mission builder or global layer.

v) It's then a case of going to and from between the MB and game to get it just right.

Is there a Pegasus Bridge in the global layer.csv file for the relevant 1944 era of ETO?

There certainly is along with a couple of missions ;)
Attached are a couple of tutorials I made for airfield construction in cfs3, the same method applies to general facilities too.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/rzgarbyyarvpor5/ACC Guide to airfield construction in cfs3.zip

edit: I mention in pt2 that I couldn't get the vehicles moving in the facilities at the time. I've since found out what I was doing wrong, the discussions are on these threads.


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Thanks Pat! These are more than welcome!

BTW: Are the seven objects that form your Manston building connected in some way?

BTW: Are the seven objects that form your Manston building connected in some way?

Only by the hierarchy. Somewhere on the left of the top menu in gmax is a link tool (am at work at the moment so can't check).

The normal model is linked to the node 'bldg_normal', the damaged model is linked to 'bldg_damaged' and the rubble model is linked to 'bldg_rubble... now hear the words of the lord! :biggrin-new:

The damage box is not linked to anything and there can be more than one and they share the same name in a building model.

The actual model part can have any name and be made of many parts but the bldg_normal nodes etc must have that exact name to work in game.

My model should really have a top node to which the bldg_normal, damaged and rubble are linked to (it can have any name). This just keeps things tidy and ensures that parts are displayed in the right order in game.

Hope that helps!
They're Helper objects Cees, on the Create tab in Gmax.

Ah! Thanks guys! I'm getting visions of a new De Kooy for CFS3. Still a long way to go, but I can dream can't I? First the bridge. The next hurdle to take is the texturing.
