IFE Tomcat is out!

IFE is pretty open about the Cat not being perfect yet and another fix is coming in very soon (depending on the vendor):

Version 1.0.8
- Fixed multiple minor mistakes in spawn condition

Bingo! That's the one i was waiting for !

(didn't think it was that minor actually... cost me 3 days of hairpulling, glad i have some left.. :playful: )

Thanks MM ! :santahat:
Aha, atleast i'm not the only one this time around.. :)

This is what i get :

It says CRC did not succeed for "C:\Users..." expected 38CBF8DE, factual 81669787

Something missing. I was asked if i wanted to further install the file. Said Yes but absolutely nothing was installed...

We'll wait.. Update listing does look promising !

Got a mail from them with a link to the repacked product. All's well now! Stellar and fast service!

And this morning, I got another mail with a link to the update with a hotfix.

It seems that the release of this version got a bit messed up.

Still, they quickly rectify the problems.
