Still one of my favorite birds for FS2004.
DH 104 'Dove' by Derek Palmer. Paint by Garry Russell.

Bah, no VC is fine, I dont' really care.. if it flies I'll fly it. (or crash trying)Brilliant plane. I dont know how many hours I logged on that baby. I did a review on it at Flightsim.com way back when.
The panel is awesome, and its a 2D photo view panel only, no VC. The angles are just right and filled with detail, giving you the feeling of being in a VC.
That AP is pretty great as well once you figure out how to use it.
I logged so many hours over New Zealand in that bird..... Awesome awesome...
Nic looking livery, I have to say this one (below) which I spotted during a coffee break at Compton Abbas had me a bit bemused though....BBC Air. What does the BBC need one of these for...
There is a PaintKit and an update for the model at www.classicbritishfiles.com