I'm looking for a plane...

Interesting suggestions guys :ernae:

I totally forgot about the Dash-7; after all I managed to land that one at Saba once (1200' runway; only used about half of that).

After some thought I was also thinking maybe the Beech 17; that's got flaps right?

I might just end up flying my Vega with the BMW 132 however. Granted it don't have flaps but the landing speed might be slow enough for the brakes to take effect before I hit the trees at the opposite end of the field...:kilroy:

Come to think of it a lot of Golden Age planes were capable of landing in unprepared fields, and quite a few of them from the tail end of that era were capable of at least 200 mph....:isadizzy:
Sometimes you gotta just stick with the classics...

I flew my Vega with the BMW 132 engine and managed to land on that field...diagonally. The landing part wasn't even the hairiest part...it was the fact that I was down to around 15 gallons (started with 100). I didn't realize just how short-legged my bird got with the engine change. I had a good tailwind most of the way there too...not sure if I could make it back in one hop; although I am thinking of trying. Will have to get to W99 to refuel; I don't think that will be too much of a problem.
If you have the WOP P-51D, I'd fly it. Never need much of an excuse to fly the Mustang!!!
It handles 2000 Feet no Problem.
It wasn't the airport W99 I was looking to land on; it was a field on top of a small mountain about ten miles east. I think it might be around 1500' or so. I have no problems with slow planes there such as sailplanes, motorgliders, LSA's and the like. The trick is when you try to land on an unprepared field surrounded by trees with a relatively fast plane such as a Vega. I ended up coming in low, going this way and that avoiding trees near my touchdown point, touching down into the wind at one of the corners, then curving around to lengthen the landing run, coming to a stop near the other end of the field. Now I know that back in my CFS2 days we would play games involving landing the biggest fastest planes on a pitching carrier deck; in fact I think someone managed to pull off putting a B-52 on deck (definitely not me; I was proud that I put a Vega on the deck of the USS Enterprise (CV-6, not 65) without flaps or arrestor hook). I cannot say my latest FS adventure was that difficult but it was enough to get my heart rate up (that and wondering if I had enough virtual gas to make it):kilroy: