iniBuilds P-40F WarHawk Released

Happy Christmas all

Took the plunge on this one today.

I really like the model. In fact I thought ITB was a bit harsh in his review.

My only issues at the moment are take off handling and elevator trim response.

I cant find any reference in the manual to suggested trim settings for the aircraft on take off - it just says "as required". Can anyone suggest a combination that works pls?

On trim - ITB made passing refence in his UTube episode to the trim not being over responsive but I really struggle to get the trim to respond at all - find myself pulling back on the stick to achieve level flight because the trim is not responding.

Grateful for any help/suggestions folks.

Absolutely rediculous (and this is from their frontpage and all ! ) :


Contradictio in terminis ? Paradox ? Hogwash that's for sure. Who'd ever think it would come to this. They could've just put a stork in there or a squirrel. Makes a mockery of our precious flightsim hobby and this great looking P-40 model in the first place. Don't they *know* that at Inibuilds ??? ( what the hell, little Xbox boys don't know what the're looking at anyway.... saves us time and effort to create a suitable pilot figure )

Sorry, just needed to blow off steam that's coming from my ears when i see such an abomination. :mixed-smiley-027:
Absolutely rediculous (and this is from their frontpage and all ! ) :


Contradictio in terminis ? Paradox ? Hogwash that's for sure. Who'd ever think it would come to this. They could've just put a stork in there or a squirrel. Makes a mockery of our precious flightsim hobby and this great looking P-40 model in the first place. Don't they *know* that at Inibuilds ??? ( what the hell, little Xbox boys don't know what the're looking at anyway.... saves us time and effort to create a suitable pilot figure )

Sorry, just needed to blow off steam that's coming from my ears when i see such an abomination. :mixed-smiley-027:

Exactly what I have complained about from the beginning. Build an absolutely stunning model, then make you use the female Asobo generic pilot. Bull crap! C'mon iniBuilds, do the right thing and stick the right kind of pilot in the seat! Beyond ridiculous, at least make one and give one the option!

I put in a partial fix, I used the modern military Asobo pilot. Still incorrect, but it beats Barbie.

I put in a partial fix, I used the modern military Asobo pilot. Still incorrect, but it beats Barbie.

I would think a pilot with a bone dome would be absolutely "correct" for flying a warbird in a non-combat sim. If I want to see WWII pilots, I fire up IL-2 Stalingrad.