Kent, how much is it?I jumped in and picked up the SC7 Shorts Skyvan off the MS Store (which I usually avoid...but I really like this airplane). I've taken it around the pattern a few times, I like it. The only thing I really noticed is that acceleration on the runway seems a bit...ah-hem..."optimistic". Other than that, I hope they release a paintkit.
Done - merged into the one that was in first by four minutes!Perhaps Tom or another moderator can combine them.
It's really nice. I was excited to see the parachutists in the back, but very disappointed they just sat there after I opened the ramp and rang the "jump" bell.
I mean, yeah, $9.99 and all, but that woulda been so cool.
Get the Transall. You can do para jumps:...but very disappointed they just sat there after I opened the ramp and rang the "jump" bell.