There's a native update to the T-33 now! Works great, except I kept losing power and crashing.
Reported the problem and
Inibuilds reports the problem is due to the more detailed engine simulation. As with a real first-generation turbojet, you have to advance the throttle slowly and steadily or the engine will stall out.
At first, even doing this, I was still getting stalls. Then I realized I had started the flight with the hardware throttle pushed forward to about 66% and then pulled it back rapidly, which to the sim looked like a quick shove forward at start and then fast reduction.
So next flight, I pulled the throttle all the way back before clicking fly, and then upon starting the flight, held the brakes and slowly and steadily advanced the throttle to full. Everything worked great! Engine stayed up, no stalls, flew a perfectly normal flight.
Well, until landing, when I realized I'd come in way too fast and bounced, so I instinctively slammed the throttle forward as I raised my gear to go around. And *that* stalled my engine.
But that was pilot error, not a problem with the sim. RIP Lt. Denny and his T-33.