I have a Firepower CFS3 install on here too, and the 2048 number is showing up there as well. I put the 2048 back into my ETO scenery budgets and I have the backward zoom I used to back in the cockpit view. When I am taking off, landing, or not engaged in combat, I like the 3D cockpit, and I like to pan back as far as I can without the view shifting to the back of the seat. Somehow the 2048 to 1024 difference modified my range of depth there. I think I have eased off the low altitude settings to be a better balance of performance to quality now.... settings are this:
<Budget Name="Five">
<Rings AboveGroundLevel="0" MaxDistEyeInnerRing="0">
<Ring PatchWorldDim="2048" RingDim="21" LOD="5" MajorDensity="0.00005" />
<Ring PatchWorldDim="512" RingDim="21" LOD="25" MajorDensity="0.00025" />
<Ring PatchWorldDim="256" RingDim="17" LOD="50" MajorDensity="0.00025" />
<Ring PatchWorldDim="128" RingDim="13" LOD="250" MajorDensity="0.00025" />
And texture:
<Budget Name="Five">
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="16384" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="8192" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="4096" ImageQuality="0" />
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="2048" ImageQuality="0" />
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="1024" ImageQuality="0" />
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="512" ImageQuality="0" />
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="256" ImageQuality="0" />
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="128" ImageQuality="0" />
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="64" ImageQuality="0" />
<Rings AboveGroundLevel="0" MaxDistEyeInnerRing="0">
<Ring PatchWorldDim="16384" RingDim="5" MinMaskRadius="49152" UseMips="y"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="8192" RingDim="5" MinMaskRadius="24576" UseMips="y"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="4096" RingDim="5" MinMaskRadius="12288" UseMips="y"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="2048" RingDim="6" MinMaskRadius="6144" UseMips="y"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="1024" RingDim="6" MinMaskRadius="3072" UseMips="y"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="512" RingDim="6" MinMaskRadius="1536" />
<Ring PatchWorldDim="256" RingDim="7" MinMaskRadius="768" />
<Ring PatchWorldDim="128" RingDim="7" MinMaskRadius="384"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="64" RingDim="7" MinMaskRadius="192" DetailTileCount="16" />
Now I am seeing 50 to 75 fps down on the deck, attacking ground targets, low light, overcast, rain, busy airfield, over cities, etc....and about 70 to 120 fps for anything I do over 1000 feet up....dogfights, large formations, clouds....I was seeing the stuttering when I was pulling down into the teens and twenties, but its gone now. Image qualities are excellent and details are sharp as far as I can see....now, I need to see what these settings are going to look like over the Pacific Islands, and Korea.....WOOHOO!!! Somebody Stop me!! I dare ya too !!!!:woot::woot::ernae: