I need some input from those who know more about international aviation than I do.
As a skinner, I have always given planes US style registration numbers. This is not because I live in the US and wish to shun the rest of the aviation world....but because I am ignorant of the guidelines for registration systems used in other nations. Willy filled me in on the UK style of registration (G- followed by four letters). What are the registration guidelines for other countries? France, Greece, Italy, Australia, South Africa, Cuba, Japan....
If you know the guidelines for any nation, no matter how small, please post them here so I can amass a library of registration guidelines and can begin representing the world of aviation with my skins.
As a skinner, I have always given planes US style registration numbers. This is not because I live in the US and wish to shun the rest of the aviation world....but because I am ignorant of the guidelines for registration systems used in other nations. Willy filled me in on the UK style of registration (G- followed by four letters). What are the registration guidelines for other countries? France, Greece, Italy, Australia, South Africa, Cuba, Japan....
If you know the guidelines for any nation, no matter how small, please post them here so I can amass a library of registration guidelines and can begin representing the world of aviation with my skins.