Introducing the Avia 51

@Nigel or Milton:

I just noticed one minor issue...When trying to steer in the water, I have little to no turning radius at all (the water rudders are down). In point.10 & point.11, I increased the 25 degrees to 35 degrees (see below), but to no avail....Am I overlooking something?....Can ya'll suggest any other ideas?

point.10 = 5, -19.104, -9.803, -7.93, 1600, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0, 0.65, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0
point.11 = 5, -19.104, 9.803, -7.93, 1600, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0, 0.65, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0

Thank You!

The issue is the depth of the rudders. I will append the proper numbers shortly after testing. Leave the rudder deflection at 25 or less.

EDIT: This tests well ... rudders were slightly high, out of water.

point.10 = 5, -19.104, -9.803, -8.93, 1600, 0, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0.65, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0
point.11 = 5, -19.104, 9.803, -8.93, 1600, 0, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0.65, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0
Is that a Leopard? Fantastic work!!! Now I going to have to do something for the other cargo hauler if possible! ;)

Yep.. it sure is!. it took me a bit to try and figure out where exactly the "leopard" was... I kept looking at the screenie of the plane on the water, thinking a leopard was hiding on the shoreline somewhere....:isadizzy:

Yep.. it sure is!. it took me a bit to try and figure out where exactly the "leopard" was... I kept looking at the screenie of the plane on the water, thinking a leopard was hiding on the shoreline somewhere....:isadizzy:


There are infact two!

In the Goodman Cargo, 'Kitty' (half hidden in the footwell) takes care of co-pilots who don't follow the rules. :)
There are infact two!

In the Goodman Cargo, 'Kitty' (half hidden in the footwell) takes care of co-pilots who don't follow the rules. :)

I reckon you have all the bases covered, then. Oh wait! those "kittys" can also keep any would be opportunist from stealing the ouzo stash we pilfered a few weeks ago. It's a fine piece of work, exceptional... You guys never cease to amaze me with the quality of your artistry and imagination. :ernae:

Here's my first flight with v1.00...I just found out about the v1.01 effects update.




FlightSim: FS9/FS2004 v9.1
Aircraft: Avia 57 Tri-Motor Floats (Milton Shupe)
Flight From: Fairbanks (FAI1) (Aerosoft)
Flight To: Wake Island (PWAK) (John Stinstrom)
Distance: 3271.4 NM
Nature of Flt: Cargo Delivery
Flight Time: 16 hr(s) 21 Min(s)
Screen Capture: Snapper (Michiel Overtoom)

WARNING!: View slideshows at your own risk & have your popcorn ready! Perhaps coffee too!....ENJOY!


If in FS9, you will want to fix the rudders as stated in post 1421 above.

You can download the effects and install separately as well.
AI Avia 57 Available

Here is a wheeled version with reduced polys, reduced textures (Air France) and sizes, aliased sounds, package is about 2.2MB.

Give it a try.
Thanks Milton! :salute: Will a Traffic file have to be created? :icon_eek:

Yes it will. Do you have AIFP2? Excellent took for doing your own traffic setups.

EDIT: Since the air file is set for AI, I suspect FS automatically will use it for traffic as well and I have seen my AI aircraft all over the world at airports I had not set them up for.
Fish'n With my Buddies!

I'm really hav'n a GREAT time with this bird!




FlightSim: FS9/FS2004 v9.1
Aircraft: Avia 57 Floats (Milton Shupe)
Flight From: Anchorage, Lake Hood (PALH) (Aerosoft)
Flight To: Geneer AKR Station "E" (A184) (Ed Cox)
Distance: 572.3 NM
Nature of Flt: Drop'n off cargo & fish'n with my buddies!
Flight Time: 2 hr(s) 43 Min(s)
Screen Capture: Snapper (Michiel Overtoom)

WARNING!: View slideshows at your own risk & have your popcorn ready! Perhaps coffee too!....ENJOY!


Cargo is not the same

Hi. For some reason my cargo cabin is different...I don't have the African decor...just some seats and a jacket hanging up in the back?