Iris MiG 27 released as Freeware


Very odd jobs man and MiGaholic
I have just uploaded the former payware MiG 27 by Iris simulations too the SOH library. It should show up later once admin has done its thing.
A big thanks to David Brice for allowing me to do this. I am currently updating all my origional textures that come with this model and some new textures, which I will be uploading in the near future, piccies can be seen on this thread.

That's great news Steve! :applause: A big thank you to David and you for giving us this great but underestimated aircraft for free. :)
Thanks Steve...:guinness:

I can remember when I purchased this plane from IRIS. Still flying her to this day. :medals:

Awesome! Thank you for your great contribution!:ernae:
Now Im gonna do some serious flying today!:applause:

Many thanks Steve!
Its afterburner effects are very very nice and they suit the Gmax Ac Mirage 2000 so well!
Great model!
I love this thing, gona set up an AI flight with this one and my Capysim Mig 21!:applause:
The wonderfull thing about migs is that they are so tough, the were made to literally fly in anything and fly well. Here are some shots. Im flying this Mig right into a major thunder storm for fun and giggles at 100% realism. Great little model. Its a keeper for me.
Im gonna do some work on it as well cause I like it so much.

Thanks for giveing us this guys!:guinness:


I love the Mig and did,nt mind paying for it. As it has been released as freeware you don,t know what happened to the Iris Harrier that was meant to be released as freeware but seems to have gone off the radar for a while now? Looking forward to the new repaints to refresh a great Mig.

Regards Paul Day.

I love the Mig and did,nt mind paying for it. As it has been released as freeware you don,t know what happened to the Iris Harrier that was meant to be released as freeware but seems to have gone off the radar for a while now? Looking forward to the new repaints to refresh a great Mig.

Regards Paul Day.

Sorry Paul I only worked on the MiG's for Iris I have no idea what happenend too the Harrier.

harrier is well and truly off radar Paul, i'm staff at IRIS and not even i know its current plans, still waiting for the 'classics' section to be up and runnin on the site :icon_lol: actually that gives me an opportunity to annoy the boss more :jump: he does love (for love read hate) it when i get on a project and start being picky... :icon_lol:
...Im gonna do some work on it as well cause I like it so much...
It's great to have some renewed interest in this one, a favourite in my hangar.
Many thanks for the texture work Steve, and looking forward to a little tweaking, Tom!
Thanks for the heads up on the freeware release of the Mig, SteveB, and for the fresh paints to go on it. If the Mig is of the same quality as the A-7 and Tornado that IRIS gave out for free, then it will easily find plenty of air time in my sim. I also has the DSB Hawk T-45C and Grumman S-3B Viking....didn't DSB become IRIS?

Thanks Steve. It works OK in FSX too except for some of the gauges which I swapped with FSX gauges. Regards, Bob.
Thanks Steve. It works OK in FSX too except for some of the gauges which I swapped with FSX gauges. Regards, Bob.
Same here. Tested in FSX Acceleration, the plane works very well appart from some gauges that can be replaced quite easilly (just need some time :) ).
Thanks a lot, Steve :ernae: