Iris MiG 27 released as Freeware

Happy to have a Czech AF livery - some pics from my departure at the Czech airbase LKPO Prerov ...

Cheers! Mike :wiggle:
Nice piccies Mike, it does look at home at Prerov sorrounded by other WP aircraft. I finnished updating the Czech scheme last night.


And it flys well in FSX too,you just have to update several gauges(in my case i used my Alpasim payware Tu-22/Su-27

Has anyone ever fitted the shockwave lights too the 27 ?
If so any chance of you can put up the config entries for me.

Has anyone ever fitted the shockwave lights too the 27 ?
If so any chance of you can put up the config entries for me.

I don't have them so I don't know but wouldn't they just replace the existing lights at the same coordinates? Or can they be angled and such?
Thanks Steve.

great looking paints as always. I'll dig into the 3D lights shortly, might have them done already, I've had this kite for agood long while, so I forget. The wing nav lights will most probably moddled in so to follow the swing, rest should be okay.Maybe bar the taxi light, I'm sure IRIS uses them for one of the effects, so will have to be linked to landing lights instead.

try this....


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing

light.0 = 9, -13, 0.0000, 0.5, fx_mig27_aniburner
light.1 = 9, -20, 0.0000, -0.5, fx_mig27_flame
light.2 = 8, -12, -24.500, 1.000, fx_mig27_vortex
light.3 = 8, -12, 24.500, 1.000, fx_mig27_vortex
light.4 = 4, 15.5, 0.000, 1.500, fx_mig27_vclight_green
light.5 = 1, -22.3, 0.15, 8.7, fx_shockwave_navwhi_nl
light.6 = 1, -22.3, 0, 8.7, fx_shockwave_strobe
light.7 = 1, -22.3, -0.15, 8.7, fx_shockwave_navwhi
light.8 = 6, 1, -4, 4, fx_mig27_leftwingvapor,
light.9 = 6, 1, 4, 4, fx_mig27_rightwingvapor,
light.10 = 7, 11.5, 0.00, -3.60, fx_mig27_cannon
light.11 = 5, 11.34, -2.49, -2.8, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow
light.12 = 5, 11.34, 2.49, -2.8, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow
light.13 = 5, 15.38, -2.2, -3, fx_shockwave_landing_light_light
light.14 = 5, 15.38, 2.24, -3.04, fx_shockwave_landing_light_light

narrow lights to minimise the banding appearance along the nose, and a light effect to illuminate the underside (see pics). If you feel it to much swap in the 'fx_shockwave_landing_light_light_sm' into entries 13 & 14.

No need for a panel entry, you only need them if the gear effects them (or wingfold).

Downlaoded, 2d panel, no vc. Is this normal or did I just get a faulty install?

There is no 2D panel, but you should get a HUD instead.
VC I have one in mine, and it's the same exe as I used to install it so no idea why.

Thanks Ferry....the vc is there in the other models. Will definitely revamp the config file to remove the multiplayer model from the line up.

I see that avsimrus have got the MiG 27 file available for download along with copies of my screenies of future paint schemes to be released from these forums, this has annoyed me and I have sent their admin an email requesting that they take them down. member calling himself "AND134" uploaded them there. If anyone knows who AND134 is please could you PM me with his details as Stalin wants to talk too him.

Stalin, Smoothie And Smudge no doubt would like words, the 3 pilots of the apocalypse :icon_lol: it really does irk me to see sites taking liberties with these things :gameoff:
Avsimrus have removed the file, so back too working on updates. I should have some new textures uploaded tonight.

Just uploade three of the redone origionals, Czech, DDR and Soviet schemes. they will show up once admin has done it's thing. Next up will be a couple of new schemes, Luftwaffe and the Czech Eagle head.

Thanks SteveB! Have crashed the Mig a few times and really enjoyed how good the plane looked while crashing. New skins to look at while my plane burns is always a good thing.

Thanks SteveB! Have crashed the Mig a few times and really enjoyed how good the plane looked while crashing. New skins to look at while my plane burns is always a good thing.


I play lawn darts on a regular basis it's fun.:icon_lol: