Charter Member 2012
Great, I thought it should.
Yes, those issues can be dealt with, it's just how many Cees wants to have set out on an airfield and any FR hit. You could always convert the proper A4 mdl and use that, then you would have detail.
I agree though, I didn't really like the tyres! As far as nose high, the Ju88 does sit pretty high, but I'll adjust the whole ac. You could always place it lower with the prog.
It's a balance of how close are you going to be to your scenery, and any FR hit having multiple detailed ac in the frame?
Let me know, thanks.
I did try the original flyable mdl, and after I converted it to a FSX scenery object the landing gear did not show.

As it sit now its only 313 kb with 3 drawcalls plus 1 for the texture. So adding a squadron spread out around an
airbase shouldn't be that bad on frames. If Cees keeps them all on one placement bgl, people can take them out
if its to much on frames. Or set the scenery density for each one so only a few show at lower scenery settings and
all at higher settings.
If you can change the tires out that would make it perfect.