as promised, I installed the Dinfia IA-35
and checked out the start up effects.
in a word, FANTASTIC!!!
in the interest of fairness,
I searched AvSim and FlightSim for engine start up effects.
there, I found several start up smoke effects that will fit the bill.
all seemed pretty much the same,
plenty of smoke as the engines start up. being the best, color wise,
but, kicks out a little more smoke for a longer period.
the problem I have is that the smoke is gray and white.
I may be mistaken, but I thought a rich mixture
would produce more black and dark gray smoke
until the engine gets going,
then it would turn to white and finally dissipate.
yeah, I know, picky, picky, picky.
this is where, IMHO, the startup effect for the Dinfia IA-35
is far superior to the others.
I could go on and on,
but my words can not do justice to this fine effect...
I intend on adding it to ALL of my radial aircraft.
need I say more?
well, yes, actually I do;
the file is called fx_msd18sIA35
and it goes into the FS9 Effects folder.
now, open the Aircraft.cfg of the AC that you want the effect.
scroll down to [effects]
and add the line, startup=fx_msd18sIA35
(or whatever startup effect you want to use)
if there is another startup=xxx line,
put a /// in front of it so it will not work, but it is saved.
anyway, click Save or press Ctrl+S for the same result.
fire up FS9, pick your plane, jump into spot view,
start her up and see if you like it.
I know I do.
BTW, many thanks, again, to OleBoy
for pointing me to the Dinfia IA-35 :salute: