Is This a Real Plane?


Charter Member 2011
I came across this AI plane at Frankfurt.
Turns out it is authentic - 100 Jahre Luftfahrt Airport Bremen.
Isn't it amazing how old-fashioned an A321 can look?
Would've been the latest WOAI Lufthansa package which I installed a few days ago.
Nice to get Easter eggs in these packs!
It looks like a retro scheme Lufthansa painted on it ( I think they actually did in RL) for some kind of anniversary or something like that. nice to get a surprise!
Oh, yes - it looks great!
Reminds me that I once started a "what if..." repaint of the Focke-Wulf 200 Condor in this awesome 1955 Lufthansa scheme but stopped it.
Didn't release a fictious repaint up to now but I may re-animate this some day...

Markus I'd gladly fly a "ficticious" Condor in those still is an amazing airplane. Too bad none of them survived WW2.

As for the Retro-Airbus.....that's reason enough to download that AI package. I wished my favorite airline would paint a few more of their birds in this great looking scheme. So much more classy than the current "Bauhaus" inspired one. But of course also much more expensive to paint.

Ahh the retro jets there a whole bunch out there




American Airlines


One you would like Charl :icon_lol:...Austrian Airlines


Air Canada




Air France

Anybody think of any others?
Plenty seem to have done it!
When did the fashion change from painting cheatlines?
Best part is that it looks like an airliner instead of a half-painted hunk of PVC pipe
A lot of the retros do look more finished don't they?
That AA scheme is just pure rodeo...

Here's Iberia and US Air
Markus I'd gladly fly a "ficticious" Condor in those still is an amazing airplane. Too bad none of them survived WW2.

Your demand is noted! :icon_lol:
Here's the good news:
The "Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin" has a long-term project to restore the last surviving Condor! The wreck was salvaged in 1999 in Trondheimfjord, Norway but broke in pieces during the lift.

More about this project:

It's indeed part of the current version of the World-of-AI lufthansa package

Kind regards,

Tom vd Horst
I can't tell if I am looking at real photos or an FS screens shot in some of these.

Found another one!

A320 going round at Heathrow.
It's really great when these pop up, well done guys!
Retro Birds

Love those old-style paint jobs.:applause: I spent a lot of time working on 264, the Air Canada A319. The only small drawback to those schemes is when you have to replace a chunk on the ramp and it is painted the regular fleet colours. Looks kind of cheesy with a big white panel on a silver bird.:kilroy:

Regards, Rob:ernae:
Last Tuesday I had a flight out of LAX for work and got there surprisingly early. So I positioned myself on the road parallel to the north runways thinking I could just watch a few landings since the airport was using the westbound runways....which usually means landings on the north side and departures on the south side.

After the usual Southwest and Delta arrivals I was once again reminded that one should always have a camera ready (I had left mine in the bag in the trunk) when first Alaska Airlines "75 Anniversary Starliner" and then the Retro Continental Boeing landed right there next to me.

i really think the old liveries are a lot better then what we see lettering the airports today. One of my favorite wall papers is the old Pan American 707. That meatball looks good on either a jet like the 707 or even on a DC-7C. The I have always thought the American Airlines astro jet paint scheme was wonderful.

Then Again I am bias to the old planes......fact is i keep my install around the 1930 to 1965 period of time......I just don't think the modern equipment is as classy as the old stuff.

It would be nice though to see this old paint thrown onto a Boeing 787