Issue with Warp Mode

We need to TEST first before we can say when it will be available.
ctrl+x is leaving warp.
i hope those informations can help the devs a bit by solving the issue. but as far as i have understood they already fixed it. but till all testing and tweaking is done, maybe this hints can help a bit :wiggle:.
Hi Creaghorn
a great thanks because your trick worked so far for me!!! Thanks again!!!
It takes literally hours to fly missions who don´t takes place within a radius less than 40 miles.

No need to fly long missions, just select optional missions until you get one that is close. I never use warp so have to use this approach all the time. Might keep you sane until 1.2 patch arrives.
I guess you guys are way ahead of me but here´s what happens to me-

On exiting Warp the whole Flight is in Line Astern with a maximum of about one plane length between them- even if they were flying out of formation prior to the warp. Using the Exit Warp before a Way Point is usually OK as long as I´m not flying too fast but as soon as an unexpected enemy stops the Warp I´m dead.

Roll on Patch 1.2!

Another thing you could try while awaiting the patch. Come out of Warp on your own, as the problem seems to occur as warp is stopped by the computer.

You'd need the TAC to be visable, the number at 12 O'clock on the outer ring of the TAC is the distance to the next waypoint in Nautical Miles, that number gets smaller as Warp progresses.

At your initiating of Warp the number might be 45, don't let it get to 0, you stop it at 11.

X . . . . . . . . . . engage Warp

Control X . . . . .cancel Warp

It's worth the attempt :ernae:
Hi Bill B
just follow the instructions by Gimpguy and Creaghorn and you should to be fine with warping mode. This trick worked for me at least :ernae:
On my rig, it seems to be fine when the computer exits the warp, but every time I hit Ctrl-X I'm dead....

I'll try the tips in this thread though, perhaps this will help me too.

Thanks guys.:wave:
Set your language and regional setting to english (us). the metric system setting caused the problem. that solved everything. no more tricks needed. everything works great. no more warp kills. the mission replay isn't even telling me i am 102933 mph fast but 125 or something. patch 1.2 should be fixed for the metric system too, but till it's available, set it to US and all will be fine.
Hi Creaghorn
i would like to thank you for the regional tip. No more warp problem!!!!:friday: