Issues with Turkeys


Flight Sim Junkie
Hey guys,

I haven't flown my MAAM Avenger in quite a while and wanted to take her for a spin but everytime I try and load her up, it crashes my sim. Doesn't matter if it's the first aircraft I select in the session or not. I seem to remember there being an issue where we needed to modify the panel with the "Z-order" thing but that was done and I thought these issues were over. Is there anything else that I could be missing that is causing the sim to crash with the Turkey?

There was a patch released that updated the file I believe.

The MAAM website has a section for MAAM ISSUED UPGRADES AND ADD-ONS, and the TBM patch #1 can be found there.

Try that and see if the problem continues. :ernae:

Well that wasn't it. Does anyone know where the support forums are for MAAM if there are any?

Hi LouP,

I just reloaded FS9 and the TBMs and initially had the same problem. My probelm turned out to be that I also had loaded the Donationware F-4U scenery and the Langley positioned off Munda Point. The F-4U scenery has a traffic file with AI in it. I did not load the Corsairs nor the AI and this apparently was causing the crash.

If I deleted the either the Langley or the F-4U scenery everything worked.
OR...if I installed the Corsairs and the scenery with AI everthing worked with CVL29 installed.

That was my problem which I spent most of yesterday trying to figure out, after several reloads of the TBMs and reading the MAAM forums at AVSim, which are very sparce I assume because of the crash.

Don't know if this helps you but everything of mine is now running OK, no CTD, and can even switch AC in flight with no probs.

Good luck,
I had the same problem - the Avenger had been working perfectly and then suddenly it just crashed the sim whenever I loaded it. The only way I could get it to work was to load one of the MAAM Avenger flights and then switch locations if necessary. Worked for me anyway.
I had the same problem - the Avenger had been working perfectly and then suddenly it just crashed the sim whenever I loaded it. The only way I could get it to work was to load one of the MAAM Avenger flights and then switch locations if necessary. Worked for me anyway.

That worked for me also, Forg, while I was trying to find my problem.

Hey Duckie, thank you thank you. Just so I am clear, if I unzip my FDG Corsairs and reinstall everything including all of the scenery and AIs, I should OK? :applause:

Hey Duckie, thank you thank you. Just so I am clear, if I unzip my FDG Corsairs and reinstall everything including all of the scenery and AIs, I should OK? :applause:


That's what did it for me. My final resolution was to reinstall the total Donationware F-4U package with the scenery, as well as the CVL29 Langley positioned off Munda Point and everthing began working again as it should.

Did it work for you? Hope so.

It's been awhile since I flew the TBM, and after following this thread I decided to go for a flight. Guess what. The TBM wouldn't even load. Now I have the Donationware Corsair and scenery, and even flew the TBM in and around on several occasions without a problem. So, something else has changed.

In reading the posts on the support forum, it appears there may be a conflict with FSUIPC. I can't remember which version I had when I first got the TBM, but it was overwritten by another install - so, when version 3.81 didn't work, I upgraded to version 3.93. Still, no TBM.

Then I removed the FSUIPC.dll from the module directory, and the TBM loaded and flew without any problem. Seems that MAAM needs to sit down with Ken Salter and figure out the conflict between FSUIPC.dll and the MAAM_TBM.gau file.

FSUIPC has a lot of settings, so I'm going to play around with a few of these and see if that solves the conflict problem.

Hey WH,

Looks like you may have hit upon something. When I reloaded FS9 I loaded the latest free version of FSUIPC before loading addons. Now, don't ask me why my specific problem was associated with the Donationware F-4U package unless somewhere within this black magic art the new version of FSUIPC links all this together...somehow.

Hi Duckie..

I've made a post on Pete Dowson's forum outling the problem and seeing if there are any settings that can be made to better identify the conflict or isolate the cause. One simple guess is that there's a memory conflict between what the FSUIPC module loads and the MAAM_TBM.gau file.

Anyways, I assisted with some early beta testing of the TBM around CTDs related to the gauge. MAAM tweaked the gauge to a point where it was quite stable, but something has changed on my system now that I cannot even load it. One thing I know has changed is my version of FSUIPC, so when time permits I'm going to try and reinstall an earlier version and see what that does. There are also a couple of scenery addons I've added since I installed the TBM, and I might uninstall those as well. I'm not convinced of any scenery conflicts, but then again I'm not an expert on FSUIPC. We'll see what Dowson says and go from there.

Just when I get the itch for some turkey, something crops up :(. Duckie, I haven't had the chance to test your suggestion out yet but I am betting on an fsuipc conflict because that is one of the few things that has changed on my system since the last time I had some turkey. :monkies:

Hi Duckie..

I've made a post on Pete Dowson's forum outling the problem and seeing if there are any settings that can be made to better identify the conflict or isolate the cause. One simple guess is that there's a memory conflict between what the FSUIPC module loads and the MAAM_TBM.gau file.

Anyways, I assisted with some early beta testing of the TBM around CTDs related to the gauge. MAAM tweaked the gauge to a point where it was quite stable, but something has changed on my system now that I cannot even load it. One thing I know has changed is my version of FSUIPC, so when time permits I'm going to try and reinstall an earlier version and see what that does. There are also a couple of scenery addons I've added since I installed the TBM, and I might uninstall those as well. I'm not convinced of any scenery conflicts, but then again I'm not an expert on FSUIPC. We'll see what Dowson says and go from there.


Thanks, WH. This may also explain some other peculiarities I've been encountering during my new FS9 install break-in period. No show stoppers yet, just little annoyances that can really drive you nuts (or in my case, extend the journey!)

I'll watch this one closely with interest.

Hi all. Time for an update.

Earlier this week I did a variety of experiments to see what was causing the Fatal Error with the Turkey. No luck.

I've posted some information on the various support forums. Got a lot of information from Pete Dowson, but nothing of substance.

At the moment I'm exchanging information with MAAM support, specifically with details from the FS9 error message in hope of identifying what is causing the problem. If you're having problems with the Turkey, try and get a screen print of the information page to share with the vendor so he can isolate the problem.

What I did is a shift-Print Screen command before I let the sim close down, then I pasted it into Paint Shop Pro to create the jpg file. It might help if you use screen mode (Alt-Enter) instead of full screen.

I'll keep you informed.

Thanks for looking at this WH. The efforts are very appreciated. :icon29: :medals: One question, How are you preventing FS from shutting down to get the screen print? Mine just crashes when I go to load the Turkey and nothing is left for me to take a shot of.

Thanks for looking at this WH. The efforts are very appreciated. :icon29: :medals: One question, How are you preventing FS from shutting down to get the screen print? Mine just crashes when I go to load the Turkey and nothing is left for me to take a shot of.

Not sure. Mine will not even load. I can select it, but when I go to fly nothing loads and I get the Fatal Error message.

According to MAAM whatever is happening has different results. With mine, I can remove FSUIPC and the problem goes away. The interesting thing is that the MAAM_TBM.gau doesn't even use FSUIPC. This solution doesn't seem to work for everybody.

One thing that I may be doing differently is that I'm using FSAutoStart to shut down a lot of background programs. This may or may not have an affect on my ability to prevent FS from totally shutting down. Don't know.

Stay tuned..
There should be an updated SP coming from MAAM soon....

[Always wanted to use that word. :icon_lol:]
