Trust me.Stay tuned..
There should be an updated SP coming from MAAM soon....
[Always wanted to use that word. ]
I sure hope a fix arrives soon for the turkey as its been rusting away in my hangar since i purchased it.
Fred provided me with an explaination, but it was beyond my expertise. We both concluded it might have been a memory conflict, but not sure what brought it on. Possibly an XP update changed the way memory was used by the gauge itself, and in my case, it might have conflicted with FSUIPC or something it left in memory.I'm thinking that MS sent us all one of their beloved automatic updates that caused a conflict, but it's pure conjecture on my half. I just can't figure out what else could have happened except for the fsuipc thing but I learned here from WH that the turkey doesn't utilize that so what else? As long as a fix is coming all is well
Thanks, Jan. You're most welcome. I'm glad everything worked out. I do have to admit that after several hours of testing I had to take a break and watch my DVD of the Roaring Glory Warbirds TBM AVenger with Steve Hinton.@ Warhorse e.a.: thanks very much for helping to locate the problem ! :ernae:
Why ??......
Can't be the current FS crash problem cause AFAIK it only turned up in the last week(s) or so....
Many of us had problems with Turkey back in June 08 as well. Specifically, when trying to change Turkey models or paints, or from switching to other a/c. The gauge was reworked and the patch, along with some panel.cfg tweaks, solved the problem back then. You didn't mention if you applied the 1st patch or not. If you did, then it might be something else going on.Since i purchased this in june 08 i have been having CTD when ever i try and fly the turkey.I cant explain it, Dont know what has causes it, but it has been un usable to me in the sim