Ito gift


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Hello..i had suggested sending Mr Ito a gift of some kind he can remeber later in life as his eye sight fails and Brad suggested a gift card he can use now.....can someone who knows how to do these sort of things please take the lead and get this done?
i dont care which route is taken...a trophy type thing or a gift card he and his wife can do something with now..doesnt mater to me...but someone please get something going with how to donate the money and where to??? i got a ten spot ready...Dave
Hello..i had suggested sending Mr Ito a gift of some kind he can remeber later in life as his eye sight fails and Brad suggested a gift card he can use now.....can someone who knows how to do these sort of things please take the lead and get this done?
i dont care which route is taken...a trophy type thing or a gift card he and his wife can do something with now..doesnt mater to me...but someone please get something going with how to donate the money and where to??? i got a ten spot ready...Dave
Top Notch idea Daveroo, I'm ready to match that ten as well. Ito has given us many great gifts and at a time when he is losing the gift of sight, it is most appropriate that we show our concern and gratitude.:applause:
From the ReadMe in Ito's latest upload (P-59 Airacomet):

I might not keep making the aircraft any further.
The screen is not seen well.
The left eye seems to have caused the hemorrhage of the eye ground with detached retinas.
There is a right eye at risk, too.
Though my only enjoyment disappears..................
Wait.. Whats this about his site?

I havent heard about this...

bill as PFFlyers has in his responce..seems mr ito..cant spell his last about done and in the P59 thread we discussed giving him some sort of thank you from us (the flightsim family)..someone even sugested getting other forums like to do this..but i have no means to do it myself..seeing im disabled myself and cant get out and like someone to take charge and get this sure its not all that hard...(besides i have no clue how to do ,and ive never had contact with the man)...but i do have some of his planes and i think he deserves a thanks of some you will someday...

Instead of a gift card, why not see about finding a eye sight institute and see if they can help him. Also send out some prayers for the guy.

Thats a shame. I hope he has the ability to go to a eye doctor over there in Japan. Here in the states its massively expensive. Hopefully there in Japan, they have a system that can help such people.

I think this is a brilliant idea and would happily contribute towards something for Mr Ito. I have enjoyed flying many of his aircraft over the past few years.
Count me in too!

I don't have any great ideas on what to get him, but I want to chip in on whatever is decided on. Some sort of award, a plaque or trophy, seems appropriate, but a gift card is always nice too...

As for the suggestion of trying to do something about helping his get treatment, I doubt that we could come up with anything he can't do for himself. Japan has a pretty modern health care system, so if treatment was available I think he could arrange it. Some vision problems just aren't amenable to treatment, and even in societies with the most modern health care systems, some people still go blind.

Also, Ito is a doctor (he's a retired veterinarian, apparently retired young, probably because of the vision problem) so he must have a very good understanding of what's happening to his eyes. If there was anything that could be done about it, I'm sure he'd know about it and be right on top of it. And since vets probably make pretty decent money in Japan, as they do in the US and Europe, I doubt that his finances would be a barrier to treatment. (And he's most likely got health insurance.)
Wow, I had no idea he had bad eyesight, sad to hear. 20+ years of Diabetes has taken it's tole on mine and now it has gotten where I have to wear my glasses over my contacts to see small print and the PC screen so I know how he feels. Thanks Mr Ito for all the wonderful contributions you have made to this hobby and I will pray that time is on your side.

EDIT: I forgot to say count me in also, someone please keep me informed on the time frame because it will depend on the day of the month for me due to bills and when my check is deposited.

I'm in. Maybe this could be a sticky for a while. If he had a paypal account we could contribute there.
Count me in!

Perhaps this could be a sticky for the other community's in the Outhouse as well.
There are a lot of people that have enjoyed his work, who are no longer monitoring the FS9 threads (including me, until today)
I'm in on whatever route is taken ! A worthy cause for a good fellow and icon of the FS world.:applause:
Keep it going! Whatever is to be done I am in for a ten. I have marveled at his work for years. He is among the all time greats!
Count me in also no matter what is decided for a tribute. While I'm like everyone else and enjoy Ito-sama's real world aircraft I am also an Anime fiend and his models from classic Japanese Anime and Sci-fi let's me live out some childhood fantasies.

In for at least a Jackson:ernae:

I'm tempted to offer to coordinate this but I'm going in the hospital next week for cancer surgery and I think I'm going to get pretty far behind on anything related to FS or anything else for a while. I have every expectation of survival, but this is not the time for me to take on anything new.

I hope someone thinks it's worth a bit of their time.

We could get a very nice plaque or award for just a small contribution from each of those who've expressed interest. It doesn't have to be anything really expensive or elaborate; it's the thought that counts. I'm sure Ito would be touched by any gesture of our appreciation for him and his work.
Hey Mick

Sorry to hear about your health troubles, I hope everything works out and I'll keep you in my thoughts.:mixedsmi: