Ito's XP-67 Moonbat in cleaming metal


Retired SOH Admin
Some screens shots of Ito's XP-67 Moonbat with full reflective texturing...gleaming bare metal really makes this plane look SUPER!

Adding the reflective was, for the most part, very easy. Simply run the MDL through MDLC and allow it to add the reflective coding. There is a bit of Hex editing that needs done to fix the prop blur. I am going to have a chat with the fella who taught me to do the hex editing and see if he would be willing to share the little tutorial he did up for's quite easy once you know what to look for. I have added reflective to a number of planes and they have all been easy. Planes with VCs require a bit more work..but that amounts to maybe 5 seconds or biggie.

That does look nice.

Anyone fancy a go at the green and black scheme the aircraft was actually in?
Since I have the repaint template done...I may as well do the green and black scheme. Will have to dig around on the net to find some good pics to work off of if possible.

Keep in mind that the repaint will not be reflective, as the original MDL only has specular shine. I tweaked the MDL to give it the reflective texture capability, but will not be uploading it as that would be a major violation of Mr. Ito's copywrite policy.

here's the lil' tute I did for Obio, for those that are interested, it doesn't cover the adding of the reflections, I'll leave that to the MDLC manual, but instead concentrates on how to fix the VC panel and prop issues.


PS, the pics go with the txt file, highlighting relevant areas, I couldn't get the filesize to stay low enough to attach if I put it all together in one doc, sorry.
I came across this site when doing some reseach on the XP-67....I can not attest to the validity of the information/facts on this site...but I can attest to the fact that the Moonbat looks great in the bare metal, red and black scheme shown in the pictures. According to this site, parts from the one completed prototype were used to finish the construction of the second prototype with the intent of using it as an air racer....but problems killed that idea and the plane was later restored and used as a lead plane scouting the best approach pattern for fire bombers to drop their water on forest fires.

Check the addons section here for "falcon409" I did quite a few repaints when this first came out. - Disregard this statement, lol, I did quite a few and never posted them. . .my bad!!
I think we should take OBIO and lock him in a dark place for a while for trying to ( apparently with success) perpetrate that bit of duplicity on the assembled horde... never mind the disclaimer (".I can not attest to the validity of the information/facts").. he knew it was bad .. or got hoodwinked as well.

"...a St. Louis metals dealer and aviation enthusiast, A.P. Rilfool."

bad OBIO.. bad.. bad


I did not even notice the name...I was too smitten with the paint scheme on the model to really notice a small detail like that.

As far as when the bare metal scheme will be available.....I will not be able to upload the tweaked MDL file as Ito's copywrite clears forbids any modification or reverse engineering of his models for posting to any site. If you have Ivan Hsu's MDLC, Morton's MDLC Windows Interface, a Hex Editor (do a search for frhed156 on,, or, or mayhaps a Google searc for it...a very good, free hex editor)...and have a basic understanding of working with MDLC and following this up by reading and following JDTinball's tute on how to fix the prop blur and VC..then you will be able to create your own reflective MDL file. It took me maybe 3 minutes to run the MDL through MDLC and to open it with frhed and fix the prop blur).

I can upload the skin for the bare metal in a day or a couple more I want to finish up first...the 'Bat Out Of Hell as depicted on the site I gave the link to (real or not, that is one very fine looking plane) and an overall green and black scheme depicting the real prototype.

I'll upload mine as well (for real this time). One is a Redbull version, one with campaign stripes and one is Navy version (seems like there's another one as well but I can't remember what, lol).
The Moonbat does look nice all buffed up and shiney in that bare metal scheme, OBIO. I have both Ivan Hsu's MDLC, Morton's MDLC, as well as a HEX Editor from Microsoft and I have experimented around with polishing up a few models in my collection. I never even thought about doing up Mr. Ito's XP-67.

I really like the paint scheme on the "Bat Outta Hell" as posted on the web link. And I do remember the repaints done by Falcon409, I flew the Moonbat in his British textures for a bit.

Too bad the real plane was not up to snuff... even when it's sitting on the ground it looks like it's going 500 miles an hour.

Since I have the repaint template done...I may as well do the green and black scheme. Will have to dig around on the net to find some good pics to work off of if possible.

Keep in mind that the repaint will not be reflective, as the original MDL only has specular shine. I tweaked the MDL to give it the reflective texture capability, but will not be uploading it as that would be a major violation of Mr. Ito's copywrite policy.


I can provide this image, not brilliant but I cant get a better one 'coz my scanners stopped working (I dont know why, the printer half - its an all in one - is working fine.)

Thanks for the image...will put it to good use. I have the green on, the insignia on, the tail number on (just need to change the color). I was not able to find a good image of the plane with a clear indication of where the black was applied...your image does that wonderfully.

The next couple of days, I will be doing some work on my system...backing everything up, pulling the system, cleaning it out, installing a new 250gig SATA HD and possibly a dedicated sound card. I will try to have this skin done before I get really involved in that.

That black on the undersides of the Moon bat is giving me the fits. From the image, it does not look like a solid black...more like a black overspray on the green...what my bodyman Dad would have called a "dry spray". I have tried several approaches...yet, none looked right. Will try again and again until I get it.
