If you're talking about the shading on the underside of the image supplied by Firebar. . .I see that as nothing more than artistic license by the artist who did the illustration. Images I have seen of this one and only flyable aircraft never showed anything that looked like an obvious color change on the underside of the aircraft, that's simply shadowing.That black on the undersides of the Moon bat is giving me the fits. From the image, it does not look like a solid black...more like a black overspray on the green...what my bodyman Dad would have called a "dry spray". I have tried several approaches...yet, none looked right. Will try again and again until I get it.
As for whether or not the terrific looking paint job on the model (black, silver and red) and it's use as a scout for Firebombers was valid. . .who cares, the paint looks great and when you find the time to complete it we'll be more than happy to download your efforts. The four-pak of textures I uploaded here (all fictitious liveries) shows 65 downloads since Friday, not bad and it shows that in the case of this aircraft at least many people simply want something different to look at when flying this beautiful aircraft.