I believe that may well have been the way it was in the real world. Look for a fuel selector that will let you choose the other wing. If it's there, then switch back and forth every half hour or so. If not, there may be a way to fiddle with the fuel entries in the cfg...
I fiddled around with the fuel section in the cfg. put almost all in one tank that it drains during the flighht and then some 50 gallons in the others so I can start the engines, when I put all in just one tank I couldn't start the engines but now it works.
Total 3804 USG of which 3740 USG usable = 22,824lbs
LeftMain=0,0,0,50,16 //3740
RightMain=0,0,0,3740,16 //3740
Leftaux=0,0,0,50,16 //900
Rightaux=0,0,0,50,16 //900